If I remember right the velocity factor of LMR 400 is 85% and the velocity factor of 3/8 Hardline is 88% the velocity Factor has something to do with your receive as well as the transmit although 3% does not sound like a whole lot with weak signal receive it's actually more than it looks like or so I have been told
Ok , gp9 n is a 2m 70cm gmrs is about 68 cm Or so . what is your swr ???
Please look up 3/8s hard line cost was about $1.40 or so a foot . The difference in performance line loss and receive between helix Hardline 3/8 and LMR 400 will a amaz you
I had a friend who had a fancy HAM repeater and depending on what codes your radio sent depending on what other repeaters your voice came out of is that what he's talking about I wish I could remember the name of it