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JLeikhim last won the day on February 14 2022

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  1. It could very well be that the owners of those two repeaters are unaware of each other. When you are in a mountainous area in Tennessee, the signals can go quite far and since you happen to hear them, I assume you are in a good location to hear both repeaters. That does not mean 90% of the actual users of each repeater are experiencing a problem 90% of the time. But if you hear a lot of regular traffic hitting both repeaters, than yes it may be a problem needing attention. The custodians of those two repeaters could coordinate a change of tones between them. That is a normal thing. Looks like they may have discovered a legal method of linking!
  2. It would be very problematic if someone were to use other than 5 MHz pairing for their repeater. If for example your output is 462.550 and your input is 467.725 , you will have no way to monitor the repeater output at 462.725 MHz and potentially will interfere with or block users on the 462.725/467.725 repeater.
  3. OK troll. You are so full of BS it is now time to flush PLONK, there goes the ignore button. You are the first on this forum for me. Bye bye....
  4. both very true...
  5. Post a copy of the FCC complaint you have already filed regarding harm some specific GMRS linking has caused you. I will eat crow. But no fake stuff please, it will be verified...
  6. The problem with this whole thread and threads just like it elsewhere, is that folks complain about stuff that "happened to someone else" Anecdotal stories. I am not here to denigrate the sad hams. For the Sad Hams who need a definition of that: "while there was much anecdotal evidence there was little hard fact". But I won't mince words. Most of the complaints expressed on line are plain cow excrement. No one to date, has actually filed a complain with the FCC nor have the FCC noticed anyone for an apparent violation (FCC terms) . If you have such hard evidence, post it here. Dare ya.....
  7. They never can. Its all made up in their vivid imagination. You would have to believe that UHF has some special propogation power that they can hear linking on all 8 channels at their location. Nobody is going to that expense to saturate the channels.
  8. Very true. Some cannot tell a white lie to save themselves. "Everyone in this room is ON THE SPECTRUM and don't kid yourself. .. Paraphrasing Frank Zappa.....
  9. So you are apparently not a victim. You are just vocal about linking because it offends your "technological sensibilities". The co-channel issue can be mitigated by simple CSQ activity timer on repeater RX and transmitter lock timer out added to the linked repeater. This is a proven technology and done in Part 90.
  10. I don't see a lot of overlap here. The "little guy" still has 4 channels or more. https://w8cmn.net/mi8/
  11. Where are you located? Which channels are being linked around you? Curious, seeking facts..
  12. If you are an individual who puts up a receiver to link one or more GMRS channels and broadcast them across the internet there is nothing illegal about that. Its like Broadcastify. The FCC rules do not preclude that. Now conversely, if you set up a small studio in your home and broadcast your bloviating across the country to GMRS transmitters, that would be a violation of the one way broadcast prohibition.
  13. To date, the FCC has never issued any notice of violation to any GMRS licensee for linking. These letters are all accessible on the FCC website by general search or via the Enforcement Bureau. In my opinion, the majority of the detractors have some sour grapes and just want to condemn something others enjoy. I doubt they live somewhere where all 8 channels are unavailable for whatever reason. Perhaps NYC/Long Island, but not the Carolina's or even Florida.
  14. As a disclaimer, I do not operate a linked repeater. But I would consider it and I think it can be appropriate. Decades ago a GMRS repeater in Chicago extended portable coverage well into the suburbs using SpectraTac voting and satellite receivers, over leased (Not PSTN) phone circuits and did so without any problems.
  15. Yeah, I am not sure I would want two repeaters overlapping. Ideally the overlap should be at the edge of the contour . This one is a hard nut to crack as it has to account for the fact that you can probably find a high point in Georgia where you will hear 8 repeaters. But that should not be a consideration. There may be a case where you need three repeaters to cover a county and the coverage will nearly touch and someone in a high rise will hear all three, though on the ground, you hear only one. . This is not mission critical stuff and should not be regulated such that it is.
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