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Everything posted by WSAA635

  1. This one seems to fly under the radar. Seems to be a solid unit and legalities aside it should work on GMRS frequencies. Anyone have this radio? What do you think about it? P.S. After looking at some videos on YouTube it seems this radio has been out for quite a while(13 plus years, LOL) but it's still being made and it's CHIRP Legacy compatible so I still wonder if it's a decent radio.
  2. Dept. of Public Safety otherwise know as the Highway Patrol.
  3. Thanks for the replies. My main use will be GMRS but I also like to add DPS channels to scan and listen to.
  4. I don't have the Frequency Limits screen in my version of chirp.
  5. OK, even with all the freq. bands set to AM and AM Auto and everything else after I loaded some local Airbands into the radio I still can't get below 136.000MHz. I'm starting to think this radio is broken or something. Guess it's time to send it back to Amazon for a refund and go back to square 1.
  6. Thanks. I think I'm going to try to upload some Airband frequencies via CHIRP to see if I get anything. Thanks again.
  7. So another question while we're on the subject. Do I have to add the Airband channels from CHIRP or should I be able to add them from the front panel because when I try from the front panel they won't take but I do seem to be able to program them with CHIRP.
  8. Wanted to get an inexpensive radio to keep in the truck and didn't want to use anything expensive. Seems to be decent enough. I'm going to want to try to unlock it so I can program other frequencies into it to listen to but wonder which Baofeng radio in CHIRP would be compatible with it since it's not directly listed. Here's a list of what I've got, which one would be close enough to work? Thanks.
  9. I do think it's odd they have frequency lists for everything from 150MHz to 700MHz but nothing for 108-135MHz AM. I would figure you'd set that in the 150MHz area? There's nothing in Area A Setting for AM, just the sub-areas(150MHz, 200MHz, 300MHz, 450MHz and 700MHz) and all of those are technically too high.
  10. Here are some screen shots. In the 150MHz I've had it with AM Modulation checked and as it is now, unchecked and it doesn't seem to make a difference.
  11. I reset everything. Got my GMRS frequencies and the 3 DPS channels reinstalled and that all works. I didn't mess with anything much in settings except for turning of the voice and keyboard beep. I can't even input an Airband frequency from the front panel in freq. mode. They just don't take. A big reason why I got this radio is because it was suppose to do Airband. If ANYONE can show me the settings they're using to get Airband I'd really appreciate it.
  12. Yes to everything. I set the stations to AM, I had Auto AM set and I was working on the top section. I did a Factory Reset but I don't think it reset everything because my custom heading didn't reset. I really need a pic of the Factory settings so I can reset all of that and go from there.
  13. Still having trouble getting Airbands despite watching a couple three videos on YouTube on how to do it. I can program them in for the local Goodyear Airport but only 2 of the 4 show up and one isn't showing up as AM even though it's in the AM Band. I'll figure it out eventually but any help would also be awesome.
  14. Maybe it has something to do with the length of the antenna? I know they have a shorter 701 and the 771 is the longer of the two so it could be in mm or some such.
  15. On my BTech GMRS V2's I've been using the ABBREE 771C with is a GMRS antenna that's a nice orange color, LOL. They seem to work well enough. For the new KG-UV9D Plus I ordered a Nagoya 771G since it's a nice radio and deserves a nice antenna.
  16. Got my UV9D Plus today. Menus in CHIRP are a bit different for setting frequencies than in the YouTube video that I watched. I did manage to get GMRS/FRS programmed into the radio and it works. Just need to see if I can find a video that shows this radio's setting list in CHIRP Legacy to compare with what I've got it set at. Any pics that anyone can post would be helpful of their settings. Thanks.
  17. The 9Gx isn't listed on Amazon. I ordered the 9D Plus, it'll be here tomorrow so I'll see if I can expand the frequency to TX GMRS and I can program some airband and 800MHz for RX only. Thanks for the replies.
  18. Thanks for the fast response. I think the main difference with the MATE is the power output. If the MATE was offered in some other color than orange I might spend the extra $10 and get it but the standard Plus should work ok for my needs.
  19. Seems like all the radios with airband that I'm finding for sale are HAM radios. One that's caught my eye is the KG-UV9D Plus. From a video I watched it seems easy enough to expand the frequency into the GMRD bands using chirp. Legality aside, in a SHTF situation is this "fix" just this easy as it seems?
  20. Are they in stock or are they drop shipped from another source? Reason I ask is because the KG-935G is in stock here but at buytwowsyradios.com it's out of stock.
  21. If you run something like MX Linux it's actually a fairly easy operating system to use. Much more user friendly than it was 12+ years ago when I started with it. Installation is easy, updates get all installed packager(except flatpaks or snaps) and there's a boat load of free software to use. I use Kdenlive to edit my YouTube videos and Libre Office for my document needs. When updates hit if you don't want to do them you don't have to unlike windoze which practically forces you to do them. To say I like using Linux would be an understatement.
  22. I've tried to install Chirp Next several times with no luck from the original tar.gz download and from a converted .deb file using Alien and it never worked. The flatpak, being self contained was fairly easy to install. It's a 20220111 file and I don't think it's being updated anymore. It would be nice if Chirp would make a flatpak out of their Next version. I'm probably just going to have to stick with the radios that are available in my Legacy Flatpak install.
  23. Because my version of CHIRP(Legacy/Flatpak) only has the KG-935G listed. If they're going to be different then I'll just buy the KG-935G(NOT the Plus) and be done with it.
  24. Thanks, I just might email them to see if the Plus uses the same CHIRP settings.
  25. From what Randy said in his comparison video the main difference is mostly the display along with a few additional features. If I find that the Plus won't work I'll just get the standard G. Either way it should work well enough for my needs.
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