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Everything posted by WSAA635

  1. I didn't know I also got a Phaser function with the radio,LOL. Really though, what do "kill" and "stun" do?
  2. I mostly scan. Don't really have anyone to talk too. On a side note, you CAN get channels to "skip" during scanning if you use CHIRP Next to program the radio.
  3. Oh Happy Days. I managed to get CHIRP Next installed and working on my Linux Box. I had to install WINE to get the factory programing software working(but it didn't work all that well) and I thought "I'll bet I can get the .exe for CHIRP Next working under WINE too and low and behold, IT DOES. I also saw that in CHIRP Next I can "skip" channels from scanning on the H3 so YES, it can be done. I ordered an H8 because I want to play with that 10 watt beast to see what it'll do. Anyway, just wanted to share and let ya'll know that you CAN get CHIRP Next working under Linux by using WINE. Talk to ya'll later. TN.Frank Out.
  4. The H3 is only a 5 watt radio. The H8 is the 10 watt. I may pick one of those up as well to add to my collection. The H3 really feels like a well build radio but only time will tell.
  5. OK, so I set up the radio, unlocked and AM "on" and programed all my local Airbands and added the 5 MURS channels so I'd have something to communicate with since the Airband antenna is rated for 100MHz to 300MHz and would be useless on GMRS frequencies. I guess this will just be my Airband/MURS radio which is fine since I've got a few others for GMRS and local Highway Patrol(scan only) to play with. All in all it seems like a solid little radio and I'd like to pick up an H8 10watt to play with when funds allow.
  6. If that's the case with the H3 I may just end up programing all my airband channels into it without GMRS and use it as an airband scanner. Maybe a future firmware update will fix this.
  7. Ok, so I got my radio today and I've been setting it up using both the supplied software from Tidradio and the bluetooth app. With the factory software I couldn't see the headings of the columns but I managed a work around by taking a screenshot from a video of a guy using the software then using that to let me know what each column was. Factory software wouldn't let me add airband channels but the bluetooth app did. It took me a while to figure out that you have to set the Scan function to "Add" or you can't change channels. Now to the question. How can I skip channels that I don't want to scan and only scan the few that I do want? With the Baofengs using CHIRP it's easy, you just check the "Skip" box and you're good to go. There's no such box in either the factory software or the app. Thanks in advance.
  8. Should be getting the one I ordered today. I hope it'll do Airbands as promised. For the money this seems like it'll be a versatile little radio. Hope to do a video on it if it turns out to be decent.
  9. The Nagoya 701 I just picked up is GMRS tuned and is actually pretty compact.
  10. Also, just remember, there are NO dumb questions. Only dumb people. LOL
  11. I think you guys missed the jist of the question. They didn't ask "what are the GMRS frequencies?" It was "why aren't 463-466MHz included?" And if they're not then what are the 463-466MHz used for?
  12. Initial testing tonight gave the following readings: Low=2.8 watts Medium=5.18 watts Hight=6.30 watts. I'd think that's pretty close enough since 1.7 watts shouldn't make that much of a difference and it's right in the same ballpark as my UV-82's are. I'm happy with it so far. It unlocks the same as the UV-5R and the Radioddity antenna is a nice upgrade. All in all it's a Baofeng Radio, nothing more, nothing less, decent deal for the money.
  13. I just got the radio today. When I get home from work I'll open the box and get it set up then give it a test.
  14. I'll probably do a video on it. I also want to test the 3 power levels to see which is the highest setting. With the UV-82 the "high" setting actually put out less power than the medium and low settings.
  15. You should have seen the Traditional Pocket Knife kick I was on a few months back. You can see a small sample of them on my YouTube channel videos. I must have at least 75 or 80 of them total.
  16. True to my High Functioning Autistic Self I have to totally Do Things to Death so I ordered a Baofeng GT-3TP Mark III to play with. That'll bring my totally radio count to 8(2/UV-5R's, 3/UV-82's, 2/KG-UVD1P's and now the GT-3TP Mark III) so I think I'm good for now. Why I wanted this radio is 2(or 3) fold. 1) It seems like a pretty decent radio that's suppose to be rated at 8watts and comes with a pretty decent antenna and a car charger. 2) It'll be my Truck Radio since the higher power should give me a bit better reach(I know that's questionable but hey, a couple extra watts can't hurt) and the car charger will make it easy to keep the radio charged up. 3) The price isn't much($26 bucks) so if it gets stolen I'm not out much. I can use the BF-F8HP Profile in CHIRP to program it and it should unlock the same as the UV-5R radios so I'll get full GMRS and MURS function out of it. I'll do a power test(and probably make a video about the radio) to see if it'll be like the UV-82 where "high" is actually lower power than medium or low which I found to be kind of crazy. Anyway, just wanted to share and see if anyone else has or thought about getting one of these. Talk to ya'll later.
  17. I'm pretty sure they've fixed this issue too or they'd have stop selling the radio.
  18. The article you posted a link to was 10 years old. I'm sure Wouxun has addressed whatever issue they had with these radios and have fixed it by now. I honestly can't see them continuing to sell something with such a flaw all these years later. They would have discontinued it and moved on to other models. I have two of these, I guess we'll just have to take a "wait and see" posture.
  19. In my post on the KG-UVD1P a guy commented that these radios have a "suicide chip" that fails and renders the radio useless. I've never heard of such a thing and I'm sure it this WAS an issue that Wouxun would have fixed it by now(the radio has been out for 14 years) or they would have dropped production of it because of all the returns that they would have gotten. Has ANYONE heard of this being an issue with this radio?? Thanks.
  20. Not heard of that issue. Does anyone else know anything about this. It seems if this is the case the radio would have been discontinue long ago since it's a 13-14 year old design. Does this "suicide " happen with normal use or what?
  21. Right now the RA86 is at the top of my list but it's NOT CHIRP compatible. The BTech 20v2 IS CHIRP compatible so it might work. I just need to do some measuring where I'd planned to put the radio to see if it'll fit. I did give the Anytone AT-778UV a look because it's in CHIRP. Just need to see if it's all on the handset or if I'd need to mount it so I could get to the face of the radio.
  22. Ok, so after looking at where the radio will be mounted it looks like something like the RetevisRA86 or BTech 20v2 would work best so that all the controls would be on the hand mic. I'd like more than 20 watts though if I could get it without spending too much. Any ideas?
  23. Also, on another Heads Up, The Wouxun ANO-001 worked better for me on both the UV-82 and the KG-UVD1P(stock antenna for this radio) then the Smiley Duck 5/8 did so if you want a good upgrade for your antenna for the UV-82 check one of those out. https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-ano-001.html
  24. Update. Don't waste your money. I had one on my UVD1P and couldn't talk to a buddy that was only 3/4 of a mile away. The factory Wouxun antenna that came with the radio on the Baofeng UV-82 would reach him no problem and when I put the factory antenna back on the UVD1P I could reach him too so the Smiley Duck isn't worth it IMHO.
  25. Picked up a Watt/SWR meter and did a little test on my radios. Pretty interesting results. Power Testing HT Radios..mp4
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