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Everything posted by ADVBikerRadioGirl

  1. I posted an answer yesterday and it showed that it was pending approval. I came back today and my comment is gone. There’s no indication that it is still pending approval or that it was deleted. I didn’t get any message in my inbox telling me that the comment was inappropriate. Which I don’t believe it was because it was related to the topic, and it was a very simple and direct answer. I am going to post it again, maybe it was a system clinch. I found the answer in the Midland website. In which they talk about FRS radios and the changes to the frequencies and power output. Here it is: “November 16, 2020 FRS radios will now have 22 channels: These expanded capabilities now include usage of channels 8 – 14, and previously GMRS only channels 15 – 22, in addition to the existing FRS channels 1 – 7. It is important to note that each FRS transmitter type must be designed such that the effective radiated power (ERP) on channels 8 - 14 does not exceed 0.5 Watts and the ERP on channels 1 - 7 and 15 - 22 does not exceed 2.0 Watts. Part95 - eCFR”
  2. I’ve had this radio now for about three months. I used it almost every day. I like the radio. Everything from the way it looks to the way it feels. It does not feel like a cheap Chinese radio. Feels pretty solid. I’ve dropped it a couple of times on concrete with almost no damage to the case. Not even noticeable. BUT, I’ve experienced issues with two of the six radios I ordered. Yes I said six radios. More about that later. Here is the only problem I’ve experienced. The radio freezes and won’t wake up (I have the backlight set to turn off after 2 minutes). I press the keys on the keyboard, turn the knobs at the top of the radio, press the PTT button, and nothing. Won’t wake up or transmit. I have to turn it off and then on again for it to start working again. I carry the radio in a leather holster and I thought that may be it fits too tight and the keyboard keys were being pressed and held pressed, causing the radio to act up. I cut out a window so the keyboard is new exposed, but that didn’t work. I use it with a shoulder speaker/mic, also made by Ailunce. Thinking that may be the shoulder speaker/mic was causing the problem, I took it off and it still does it. I always put the radio in lock mode, so that I won’t accidentally change the channel. So I tried carrying it unlocked. Nope, it still does it. I changed the backlight setting to always on, thinking that may be that was the problem. Nope, it still freezes. Thinking that may be it was something I had changed in the settings, I have done a factory reset in both radios at least a couple of times. Nope, it still freezes. I figured that it was a bad radio (may be because I had dropped it) and started using a brand new one, never used and never dropped. Sure enough, I’ve experienced the same problem. I still have another four brand new radios to try. But get this, the radio can work fine for a day or two or longer and then start acting again. I am at a point that I am scratching my head trying ti trouble shoot the problem. Back in November I contacted Ailunce tech support. The girl asked me to take a video of the problem when it happened again, but it stopped doing it for over a month. Last week it started to act up again. WTH! I sent the video over to Ailunce through WhatsApp. I can see that they have viewed the video but I haven’t heard back from them. I suspect that it will be a firmware problem. If you are wondering why I bought six radios, I bought one first and I liked it. It worked as intended. At that time Ailunce had a special of 6 radios for like 320 bucks. I could not help myself and I ordered them. I was looking for radios that we could use out in the desert while doing search and rescue. It felt like a solid radio that performed well for the price and it’s water poof. Just what we need. I had tried other cheap Chinese radios, like the Baofeng UV-5R (I returned them) and the BTech GMRS-V2 (kept it and like it but the battery dies fast).
  3. Just joined a few minutes ago. I’ve been fascinated by radios since I was little. When I was about 8 or 9 a friend got a pair of walkie-talkies for x-mas and I thought they were the coolest thing ever. Magical! I got my first scanner when I was about 17 and since then I’ve always owned one and a few “walkie-talkies” too. I keep the radios for a while and then give them away and buy new ones. My new toys are a BTech GMRS V2, which I have only one. Such a great little radio. I love the two PTT buttons. Great idea! I also have 6 (yes 6) Ailunce HA1G. Great radios, but with no one to talk to its hard to test them. I am an US citizen but live in Tijuana, Mx and work in Sam Diego. Monitoring GMRS frequencies in Tijuana is boring. Nothing but people using them for business purposes. The reason I bought six of them is because They have some great specials and, I am planning to do some volunteer work with organizations such as Aguilas Del Desierto. A group of volunteers that go to the desert near the Mexican border and look for lost immigrants and helps them. It’s not uncommon for them to find dead people. Including dead children. So sad! Anyway, I know they carry radios but most are cheap bubblewrap radios. I got my GMRS license not long ago and like others in here I am here to learn and share.
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