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About WSAL750

  • Birthday August 5

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  • Unit Number
  • Location
    Martinsville, VA

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  1. I can open a repeater that is a in an area 60 miles away. I do not have a direct line of site so I am surprised I can open it. My handheld will not transmit any voice , can it be that I have power to open repeater but not enough to transmit? Three of my handhelds will "Kurchunk" it ,but none with audio. Is this normal? Thanks for any ideas.
  2. I run into a similar static problem in my town, a business uses a frequency close to 462.675 and it causes a continuous transmission for about 1 miles in each direction. Also our manufacturing plant uses 462.6125 for the maintenance channel. If you are on open receive you can hear it. If on a PL tone receive it isn't picked up. Good Luck, lets us know what you find.
  3. Did the screen show "H" for high power, I'm having a problem also. I programmed repeaters of CHIRP, I can't communicate with any. I have my UV5G right beside the H3 and it will reach the repeater. Both on factory antennas. Any suggestions ?
  4. There are very few people in my area on the radio, the ones I have talked to are people I don't know. I just figured it would be good to know if I have talked to them before .
  5. I have watched numerous videos on the stock and replacement antennas. Some short ones seem better and then the 771 series show off. Anyone using Smiley 5/8 wave or Signal Stick 440 ? I will be using it on both simplex and local repeater, hilly and with trees in area. Thanks for any input or suggestions.
  6. I'm setting up a simple logbook on Excel, and will just fill it out as I go, I guess a composition notebook will do same. I'm just getting started in the hobby, so I have a long way to go. Enjoy .
  7. I found their mailing address and information , but no email. I was just wondering if their was a way to message them on this site. Thanks.
  8. I need to contact an owner of a repeater and all I know is their Call Sign . Is there a way to do that on here?
  9. Are you still active in the area? I believe we aren't too far from you. I am looking at getting started in the Henry County area .

    1. WSAL750


      Yes, I have recently used Martinsville 700 repeater. I have contacted a couple of people on Guilford 600, but I believe my signal is weak, they were having difficulty understanding me. I am trying out a homemade 1/4 wave at home, hope to improve my signal.  

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