The unit has been taken to Delmarva Communions and I am waiting on a diagnosis. Hopefully it will be repairable for a reasonable cost, I like the fact I can have a repeater to let everyone use. I have thousands in tower, hardline and antenna no to mention the the unit and a bunch of mobiles and ht's..hope it's going to be worth repairing for all to use.
I tried using just one channel and then putting the original code plug i was given when I got the repeater and it still hangs on but now with static that's choppy. I tuned a new duplexer and still the same thing happens. Anyone suggestions on where to send a sick repeater near Delaware ? I did see one place in North Jersey, anyone have any suggestions on an affordable repair location ? Thanks everybody for the help....
Well you know way more than I do about it, its really frustrating me to the point I am ready to give up after putting a ton of money into everything ... I just don't know where to start testing to see whats wrong.
its definitely not that. I can be in the car a mile away and still get a sequel after the tail ends. I can even hear it through the speaker on the repeater. it will happen even with the duplexer removed and two separate antennas. It does it with or with out the duplexer.
Ok so this repeater on desk mode works as it should. On repeat mode it will repeat the broadcast, the repeater tail ends then when it does it still transmits but does so with a squeal and will not stop unless the power is turned off. Any suggestions of where to start ?
I received the new VNA last night and now I see the first one was definitely the problem Thanks to everyone who chimed in to help this new to vna guy... here is a pic of the sweep I am now getting...
ok, now that makes sense, nobody has said that b4. thank you. I am waiting on a new one I still think this one had issues. I am due to receive it Wednesday so we can go from there.... thanks again.
yes it does and I have it hooked to a HT antenna and have went through every setting on and off but still no trace patterns. I am thinking I just got a bad one. The one page I showed was after calibration and nothing else was hooked to it.
I will give that a shot. that was the antenna but I will try removing the traces and leave just one and try to figure it out from there, thank you everyone.
I have the 55 page users manual and have read it front to back 2 times, followed every step and absolutely no luck at all. I guess its return it or wait until someone does a step by step on how to use it to tune a duplexer. I don't need to bother with the the antenna at this point.
A Vertex tech sold me the repeater after he serviced and did an alignment. everything seems to be back correctly. The HT only receives on the frequency the repeater is on, I go a few mhz up or down and its gone. it does stop when I remove the HT's antenna
Ok, sorry I don't post many videos this way but here is a link to whats happening.
Also there is a red indicator for the transmitting when the key is pressed but it remains green with this phantom signal.
NOTE: I made the accessible to all sorry
There is no meter on it or indicator led. If I turn the repeater off the phantom signal will stop. I am not keying the repeater up with anything and it still has a tiny signal output but nothing can be heard audio wise on the HT's. I am going to and try to make a video clip of the issue by starting in my office and walking to the other side of the house where the signal stops. This a 40+ watt tx normally so if it were even on low I would have a signal at the other side of the house if the key was pressed. I will be back with a clip or a link to view the phantomness happening here...
I go farther away from the repeater and the signal drops off to nothing unless I ask someone to key it. This happens on all channels no matter what. It happens in repeat or base mode as if there is a leak powering the xmitter with very low power. I am going to try to obtain a signal field strength meter and take more readings.