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    TonyMLake reacted to GaDalek in B-Tech GMRS V1 Repeater Programing   
    Hi jmcconomy,
    The GMRS V-1 is a nice radio.   I have one and use it often.  To program the radio using chip is not hard once you understand what info goes where.   I will try to explain it so I don't confuse you.   For example using a repeater on channel 18.   If the input is 467..625, the output is 462.625.  If you have a PL tone of 555.5 (not a real tone, just used as an example) , here is what you would enter in chirp.  Repeater channel 18 for the GMRS V-1 is line #18 in chirp.
    Frequency = 462.625
    Tone Mode = TSQL
    Tone & Tone Sql = 555.5 ( enter actual tone from MyGMRS.com)
    Cross Mode = Tone-Tone
    That should get your repeater channel programmed in.   If you have any other questions, I will try to answer them
    Hope this helps and enjoy your radio.
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    TonyMLake got a reaction from mcallahan in GMRS Repeater in Tucson?   
    Nice - thanks. I will definitely check out the Phoenix repeaters when I get up there. 
    Thanks again -
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