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Everything posted by WSBZ540

  1. The older 9800s had a 3.3v chip being fed 5v and eventually it would burn up. This usually hapoened to one side of the radio, and then the other. Newer versions have a hw change that corrects this and they were originally sold as the plus. Out of the box mine worked on gmrs frequencies. There is a change you can make with their cps to change 70cm to 1.25m if you want that for ham. You can also expand the freq range to the hw limits, ut running them at the hw limits does lead to some out of band emissions/harmonics. Out of 7 radios, I've had one fail due to the 3.3v/5v issue.
  2. True they can have some damage. My icom has some damage but it's old/used. I'm tempted to take it apart, but for just bout the same price I can get this ebay item, new, and it's pretty killer.
  3. Man if I could find a pair for 1000 that would be pretty sweet!
  4. @nokones is the duplexer you have the 65316-0/MC(7G) model? It looks like it fits the specs but it says 6mhz min separation, and they make several so i may be looking at the wrong one.
  5. Well I should probably add a little spec to the site. I think a flat pack mobile version will be alright. I'm in the middle of no where, with very minimal rf noise. There's a couple of 2m repeaters at 28miles, and 32 miles out. No uhf repeaters, radios, or transmissions. I certainly wouldn't turn down a large cavity set if I could get an affordable one. I do have a uhf filter in the coax right under the antenna. That was party to keep my 2m antenna from desensing, but I've not been using that radio, just trying to get this gmrs repeater back up. I'm kinda bouncing between the icom and the emr, but I'm gonna wait and look around and see if I can find something better. Since this is really just a hobby for the general public to use, I've gotta put a hard limit on the budget, but I'm willing to go up a little if it's a good deal.
  6. I tried replacing my damaged duplexer with a budget version and I'm just not happy with the desensing of my reciever. I can get about 10-12 miles out of it on rx, but with the transmitter off, I can hear signal for almost 25 miles. So... I'm looking for something affordable, but not bottom of the barrel. A br/notch/mobile will work alright. Bp/br are outside my budget. Something in the 500 range. A few I've found are cell wave, emr, and icom. The icom I had was decent, but is there something better in that price range? Icoms run about 400, if I could get a better performing one for 500-600 ide do that instead. There's a flood of the cheaper ones, and it's kinda hard to tell which ones are decent. The un branded, and fumei duplexers are just not good performers. It works, but not very well.
  7. I did a final tune on it using a dummy load on the antenna and the vna on the low/high ports. Seems to not have detectable desensing now.
  8. Two mobiles, not kg1000s though. I have a controller for up to 8 radios, but Im presently using 3 radios for gmrs. Two makes the repeater pair, and a 3rd as an rf link to another repeater 40 miles away.
  9. 50 watts. It's a new duplexer, just having more desensing on the rx than I wanted.. Retuned and did some really touching adjusting on it and got 80,85 attenuation. It's very slightly desensing the rx but I think it'll be OK. Anything <70 just isn't gonna cut it.
  10. My question isn't what your thinking... So I know how to tune one but, for those with repeaters what kind of attenuation are you getting? I put my repeater on the air, and the next day we had a pretty nasty storm. Repeater seemed to recieve but not transmit. Replaced the tx Saturday and thought all was good, but still no tx. Checked duplexer and I'm barely getting 1 watt out. I have another repeater on standby, so I got it's duplexer out, and retuned it. I got it to -65, but a 5watt signal from around 7 miles away is all I can get without the tx blinding the rx. It's a fumei duplexer, same as the original. I just can't get good attenuation. I think I'm gonna need 80 or more. Anyone have any numbers to work with?
  11. I just met up with a group of them over the weekend to discuss a repeater site and some equipment. But while I was there, my repeater sent its morse id, and some random guy recognized it as gmrs. He knew my business radio wasn't a 'gmrs radio' so questions arose. A couple of other hams chimed in with 95.1761. I left them to debate it and read it myself. I wasn't sure so I just left it. Later I got to thinking about it and started digging around what I could find. There are hams, sad hams, seasonal depressive hams, and manic depressive hams. If I don't need to moderate what I say around them then I don't. Just looking for clarification. But I found it (I think) in some cert documents on the fcc site. I'm not stating anything, and I'm not advocating any specific actions. I was simply curious if there was credence to it. And it seems like (unfortunately) the manic depressive ham was correct.
  12. Disregard.. I think the answer is in the details for manufacturing. Not the end user. I believe the radio needs 90/95 certification, not that 90 radios can just already use 95.
  13. Preface: So I really hate carrying more stuff than I need. I have a digital/analog business radio, which I use with encryption. And I also use that same radio for some digital amature stuff on 2m. I've setup a gmrs repeater and I've been listening to it to make sure it's behaving with its diy controller. Talking to some ham people over the weekend, they think you can use a business radio on gmrs, and here's why. Part 95.1761(c) says: "No GMRS transmitter will be certified for use in the GMRS if it is equipped with a frequency capability not listed in § 95.1763" Ok so my business radio is disqualified there, but, (and here is the confusing portion) it goes on to say this: "unless such transmitter is also certified for use in another radio service for which the frequency is authorized and for which certification is also required." It sounds as though a business radio could be used on amature, and since part 90 also requires certification, you could also setup a part 90 radio to operate within gmrs confines (output and bandwidth)and use that as well. One radio, cover all 3 bases? Is this how the Motorola radios are getting by with repurposing as GMRS repeaters? Or maybe there's just a flaw in the understanding here.
  14. Oh this getting comical. They wrote back and said location was fixed, but now you can't pick a state... I'll just give them a couple weeks to get the kinks out.
  15. Well the call sign entry got fixed, now there is an error for 'Location'. So maybe later this week it'll be working.
  16. My gmrs license was issued same day as others and they were able to add them. I suspect they have a bug in the web site. Maybe they will get it corrected this week.
  17. I tried. Not sure where it goes. Still no luck today. Probably just won't worry about it at this point.
  18. Oh No.. Not a prob here. just repeater book...
  19. well on the bright side, I could add it to myGMRS no problem. And it would storm the day I activate it.....
  20. No I thought I was, and just in case I went to the fcc site, copied the call sign, pasted in the browser. It just keeps on saying its invalid. I had to have a call sign to create the repeater book account, which seemed to be fine. Im a little stumped
  21. Keep getting "Invalid call sign pattern. Please return and enter a valid GMRS pattern into the Owner field." When trying to add my repeater to repeaterbook. There's never been an 'owner' field so I assume its wanting the repeater call sign. But I continue to get that error over and over. Anyone have a thought on what I've gotten wrong here? Im using the website, not the app.
  22. Something to also keep in mind is that some of the ccr brands are not super consistent. I've got quite a few ccr's and I've put them on the analyzer. 75% of them are 'clean enough'. Of the 25% that are kinda dirty, they might pass, some def wouldn't. So even if you find a vid claiming radio X is dirty, that doesn't mean yours would be. If its a sad ham doing the review I ignore it. I don't even get on 2m anymore because all they do is piss and moan about ccr's. It's not the 8th grade anymore guys.. Fwiw, I have yet to find a mobile (even a ccr mobile) that won't pass. I don't have as many mobiles as I do HTs (mostly btech or tyt radios) but they have all been clean.
  23. I've got several of them. Absolutely love it. probably one of my favorite radios. Transmit is pretty clean in the 2m 70cm bands. Side band, fm, am, 18-600mhz, digital modes, mesh network, its pretty fun...
  24. Are you transmitting and receiving on the same antennas? I assume you connected the yagi and tested, then connected the omni and tested. You should get considerably more distance from the yagi in most cases. I can't really recommend a commercial version because I build mine. The yagi doesnt look to be tuneable, and at $100, ide say that's not cheap either. what coax are you running this on? You may have said before but I don't recall now.
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