So just to confirm I should set it to PL/DPL- CSQ Detect? and that should only allow someone who is using the correct tones to key the repeater?
Any other settings I should be looking at?
So after some investigating and testing it looks like my repeater is not using the tones programmed into it. I was able to key it up without any tones on my HT.
The repeater setup is two Moto M1225 radios connected with the ID-Omatic repeater controller.
I figure it must be a setting in the radios.
Anyone here familiar with the settings on the M1225's? I have the software (RSS Version 4) and cables to program them, just not familiar with what all the different settings mean.
The fact that I am hearing the transmit tone from the repeater, leads me to believe they are close enough to key the RX side of the repeater. Tones or no tones, if you are close enough this is possible.
It has been quite today though. They must be at home playing video games or staring at their phones....
I have DCS (different for TX and RX) tones and have had them for many years now on this repeater. My guess is that these kids are close enough to bleed into the RX side of my repeater to key it up.
Not much I can really do about that other than try to track them down.
Just like someone said earlier, just because you have tones doesn't mean you cant walk on a frequency and interfere with it.
This repeater has been up for years operating on this freq and DCS tones, just recently some bunle pack kids are keying it up. They must be close enough to trigger the repeater, but since they don't have the correct tones, there is no voice. but its enough to key it up.
I am hearing the tone from the repeater. I have a double beep at the end of every repeater transmission. That's how I know its getting keyed up.
No voice just "mic clicks"
My repeater is getting hammered by some bubble pack kids. They are on the same frequency (GMRS17), but not the correct tones. So its just constantly keying up the radio. Every once in a while their voice bleeds through.
Is there anything I can do to mitigate this issue? Would upping the squelch on the receive side of my repeater help at all?
I am loosing my mind here.
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