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  1. Has Anyone noticed, that the Original poster, "Suburbazine" asking the question has never replied to any of your responses ?
  2. As a added note, concerning Anyone choosing to purchase the 935H, I noticed yesterday it apparently has the Same Problem the FIRST edition of TID H-8's with the battery discharging a Shock from the Positive battery contact, while transmitting ! While holding the 935H in my right hand touching the Battery Contact, I felt a Zap or charge while transmitting ! FYI. I'm going to Call buytwowayradios.com on Monday and tell them this occurred and see if they know about it.
  3. buytwowayradios.com in their video promoting this radio, stated that one of the Improvements over the 935G was a Much brighter display option, so it could be seen easier in bright sunlight. I can say the 935H has a VERY bright display, if you set it to max.
  4. Jaay

    GMRS security risk.

    Of course it Helps to have property in another name, not tied to you for these reasons too.
  5. It's spelled WOUXUN, but now you didn't bother to look Did you ?
  6. Buy once, cry once. RT Systems has become the standard for those who want problem free software.
  7. Exactly. Well said.
  8. GMRS and Ham Radio are BOTH Hobbies. IF you don't want to hear normal conversations on Gmrs, then turn it off.
  9. Looks fine, Run with it, if your Swr checks out.
  10. There's NOTHING wrong with that connection at all.
  11. True, and Also the Call sign of the repeater owner must be transmitted as well, either manually or with the help of a Controller.
  12. Ok, thanks for that Steve. I'll look at #51 and see if it makes any difference. My 935 H has a real obvious tail, even with the squelch up to 9.
  13. On a different note, Can you tell me if the 935G has a Mic Gain setting Or a Squelch tail setting in the menu ? I'm curious, because it's two features I wish they would have included in the 935H. Two different radios, I know but still similar.
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