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Everything posted by WSCS601

  1. I've seen a treadmill knock a modem offline back in the dialup days and a MRI magnet starting up interfere with printers.
  2. During the grand and glorious era of Chicken Band, at least North of Line "A" in the Seattle area it was channel 17 claimed by the transporters of goods bearing more than 17 wheels. But then, Seattle always did march to its own drum.
  3. 5:35:29 PM – 5:43:51 PM Late to this thread, I purchased from Amazon on July 16th, not sure when mine was manufactured. The mike keys are definitely backlit. Even with running the new programming software was unable to alpha tag the channels until after updating the firmware. Still cannot edit/create alpha tags from the radio itself, it does not move from the first position. Otherwise all functions seem to work well. RX is clear and getting reports of full quieting/solid audio via one of Seattle area's repeaters about 34 miles away on mid (20W). Haven't attempted 5 Watts yet, my similarly powered HT can open that repeater but audio isn't great using the same J-Pole antenna up above my deck. Could be too that the HT is just not a fantastic radio.
  4. Picked up a Radioddity DB40-G for $143.99 and a Midland – MXTA26 which was not a prime deal. Now waiting for the smiling truck to get here. Hearing decent reviews on the new firmware and they fixed their crummy software to include channel naming. Hopefully winds up a good deal!
  5. I as well have been using one of these for 6+ years, first one received had very low modulation so returned for another which has been working quite well. J-Pole up above my back deck for home and a Nagoya UT-72 mag mount on my Dakota.
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