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Everything posted by WRZG694

  1. Because Midland radios do not have a removable antenna I must use other radios. In my home office I use two Tidradio H3 on GMRS, connected to a GMRS mag mount antenna on a pizza pan. The Tidradio H8 is Ham, connect to a mag mount antenna on a cast iron pan. Although we are surrounded by hills, they both hit connect to repeaters about thirty-five miles away. In our area simplex is often a challenge, 1-3 miles at best. The repeater we access has about 85-mile diameter coverage, physical repeater is about 35 miles from my location. Also, I have two very old rarely used Midland LXT310 HT, they work as new, not repeater capable. My two other radios, again H3 and H9 are in my vehicle, used as mobile radios. H3 for GMRS is connected to Midland's MXTA12 mag mount antenna with Midland's ghost antenna, MXTA25, then as needed we use MXTA26; their ghost antenna is a very good antenna. The aforementioned is to emphasize, it is all about the antenna and repeater coverage. Depending on your location simplex connections can be quite challenging. Midland, make your radios with removable antenna.
  2. Your test convinced me to purchase the Midland Ghost antenna. Removed the UT-72G, it is now in my office connected to the TD-H3, on a cast iron pan ground plane; hits repeaters I need. Also, as a backup I purchased the Midland MXTA 26. Thank you for your reviews.
  3. Please, do not type in all caps. All caps indicate you are YELLING and SCREAMING, certainly not your intent. Also, all caps' sentences are much more difficult reading than all lowercase type. Truly, I hope the above helps you and others. Do have fun on this forum.
  4. Other aspects to consider about antenna gain A higher gain antenna does not create more power than the radio produces on its own. Antenna gain increases or decreases signal directionality. Looking at antenna charts demonstrates the signal pattern of an antenna. Notice, the higher the gain the more directional its signal pattern becomes; think Yagi antennae. Consider your location of use, then chose the appropriate antenna. Using an example of an adjustable lens flashlight (torch) such as the Maglite: Remove the adjustable end exposing the bulb only, notice the produced light may fill a dark room; think low gain antenna. This why a lower gain antenna is much better in an urban area, in areas with much more obstructions, in forests, and the like. That is why many folks in locations with buildings, many obstructions, forest, and the like, when switching to low gain antennae have better TX and Rx signal reports as well. Now connect the adjustable section and its lens to the flashlight, adjust it. Notice it is now concentrating the light in a much more directional beam. Now the light does not fill a room with light; it performs better pointing into the room; think high gain antenna. The higher gain antenna performs better in less obstructed areas, such as open roads without obstructions, mostly flat landscape and the like. Thus, in considerably more open unobstructed locations switching to a higher gain antenna will increase its reach. Keep in mind, the radio is outputting the same power to the high gain antenna as it does to a lower gain antenna. The difference is the high gain antenna is creating a more directional signal. Yes, the above is an odd example, however I hope it makes sense.
  5. It may be the Tidradio corp. is now in compliance with our FCC. Notice in b and c it mentions interstitial channels. FRS-GMRS Channels Layout.pdf eCFR :: 47 CFR 95.1767 -- GMRS transmitting power limits. § 95.1767 GMRS transmitting power limits. This section contains transmitting power limits for GMRS stations. The maximum transmitting power depends on which channels are being used and the type of station. (a) 462/467 MHz main channels. The limits in this paragraph apply to stations transmitting on any of the 462 MHz main channels or any of the 467 MHz main channels. Each GMRS transmitter type must be capable of operating within the allowable power range. GMRS licensees are responsible for ensuring that their GMRS stations operate in compliance with these limits. (1) The transmitter output power of mobile, repeater and base stations must not exceed 50 Watts. (2) The transmitter output power of fixed stations must not exceed 15 Watts. (b) 462 MHz interstitial channels. The effective radiated power (ERP) of mobile, hand-held portable and base stations transmitting on the 462 MHz interstitial channels must not exceed 5 Watts. (c) 467 MHz interstitial channels. The effective radiated power (ERP) of hand-held portable units transmitting on the 467 MHz interstitial channels must not exceed 0.5 Watt. Each GMRS transmitter type capable of transmitting on these channels must be designed such that the ERP does not exceed 0.5 Watt.
  6. If you are measuring on GMRS then you are correct, it will not be ten Watts, it will be five Watts, or less, as set by the FCC. The FCC set HT GMRS max power at 5 watts. Mobile GMRS units (in vehicles) can be upwards of 50 Watts power output. On the ham side, UHF and VHF should be closer to 10 Watts more or less. There are numerous videos on YouTube showing testing of the TD H8 Watt power output, each demonstrate VHF/VHF much higher than GMRS; it is an FCC power output setting requirement. Truly, hope this helps you.
  7. As one becomes more familiar with the H8 Gen2 it will be easier. Same with a H3, at first it was a bit of a mental challenge, then more use it made more sense. Continue practicing, all is good.
  8. After re-reading my comment, I fully realized it was not helpful and came across not as I intended. Please accept my sincere apology. Cordially, and respectfully submitted.
  9. Oops rather than anxiously awaiting my guess is you are eagerly awaiting. Anxiously indicates fear, dread, foreboding, worrisome and the like. Anxiety and anxious are derived from the Latin word Angere, its meaning was to choke and strangle. Hope this helps you and others.
  10. Oops rather than anxiously awaiting my guess is you are eagerly awaiting. Anxiously indicates fear, dread, foreboding, worrisome and the like. Anxiety and anxious are derived from the Latin word Angere, its meaning was to choke and strangle. Hope this helps you and others.
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