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WRWE456 last won the day on June 10 2023

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    San Jaun Islands WA

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  1. When a repeater asks for an input tone that is the tone your radio must transmit TX into the repeater. If the repeater asks for an output tone that is the tone that your radio listens for to hear the repeater RX.
  2. That is what the tone codes do. It does not stop the radio from receiving it just mutes the audio (as I understand it).
  3. The KG-935G+ is overkill for kids and people that are not into radio. I would get one of the lower models like the KG-805G or maybe the KG-905G instead. They are simpler and less intimidating while being very capable as well as less expensive. They are all commercial quality and very durable.
  4. Ya that is what I get as well. It was worth a try.
  5. I am curious if it will work, though would be surprised if it did. I have all my local emergency services programmed into my 935G+ but I did not use a computer. That radio is very easy to program from the front panel. Let us know how it goes.
  6. Thanks for the story! Glad you are safe! I use my 935G+ for the same things. I also have a couple of Uniden scanners that are on whenever we are awake at home. The scanners are faster but with just seven or eight frequencies for local emergency services to scan the 935's are fast enough. I use the radios for scanning while out and about and as mobile's with mag mount antennas. They are a very versatile and capable radio. I have three of them.
  7. You might want to also consider not using software and just use the radio to do any programming. I have 3 KG935Gplus radios. Use them every day and have never connected them to a computer. These are very easy to set up on there own. In fact that was a requirement for me when looking for radios for back up comms, that they can be field programmed. Many new to GMRS are under the impression that computer programing their radios is needed before they can even be used. Not true. Here is what I mean: https://www.buytwowayradios.com/blog/2024/05/why-wouxun-gmrs-radios-do-not-include-programming-cables-and-software.html Anyway good choice! They are very good radios. Learn how to use the "Channel Wizard" makes setting up custom channels like for repeaters very quick and easy. It is a sophisticated radio but can also be as simple as you need. To start just pick a channel on both radios and push to talk. Good luck and have fun!
  8. Not all GMRS radios can use repeaters.
  9. Seems like you could put up a base station antenna set up (which you may want anyway) and that would allow you to test range using a mobile and or HT's. Then if that gives you the range you need swap out the radio for a repeater.
  10. This is true of most energy waves. Light, sound, water etc. It's what causes rogue waves in the ocean. Audiophile's can relate to the sound waves reinforcing and canceling. Bass energy in a stereo system in a room will have areas with strong bass and areas of weak bass as you move around the room. Waves bouncing around off the walls and reinforcing (stacking) or canceling each other.
  11. That link comes back to this thread. Try again.
  12. Number 4 should be it. I just looked up the manual and it does not list the tones. Here is what it says. "Selecting the Interference Eliminator Code Interference Eliminator Codes help minimize interference by blocking transmissions from unknown sources. Your radio has 121 Interference Eliminator Codes. Codes 1 – 38 are the standard analog codes that appear on other FRS/GMRS radios. Codes 39 – 121 are additional digital codes added for superior interference protection. 0 is the off position, no analog or digital codes are enabled. And " Note: You must set the Interference Eliminator Code to 0 on a radio that uses Interference Eliminator Codes to communicate with radios that do not have Interference Eliminator Codes. Select 0 for “no tone, no code” and OFF will flash on your radio’s display. Maybe this will help.
  13. Just looked up those Motorola's. They call them "Interference Eliminator Codes" The manual should list what they are so you can find a match.
  14. He probably has a "privacy" tone set on moto's that you do not on UV5G.
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