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Everything posted by WSDE760

  1. The N9TAX site suggests what they describe as a bow mount for their similar ladder line antenna, similar to Flameout's hanger.
  2. I can't imagine having enough people to do this. Around here I can't even get anyone to answer calls to the repeaters so I can verify I have my radio programmed correctly.
  3. Could you play Marco Polo on simplex with tones as long as both the fox and the hunters properly ID? "Marco + hunter call sign" answered by "Polo + fox call sign" is a two-way communication and is is not secret code.
  4. Pardon my newb opinion but couldn't a foxhunt be conducted simply using a mobile repeater temporarily parked at an undisclosed location? Tones exclusive to the foxhunt, set so as to not interfere with any other repeater, could be announced at the beginning of the hunt. The hunters communicating via the repeater would provide a legal two-way signal to pursue. How is this any different than any other group using a mobile repeater to coordinate shared recreational activity?
  5. Thank you as well, always appreciate kindly avuncular advice! Amusingly, the linked K5+ manual also only shows two Tx power levels, so I will assume for now that this is a persistent typo across several manuals. I should note that the 5RM CHIRP (legacy) profile works fine as far as I can tell and does show three power levels for my AR-5RM. Thanks all.
  6. Thank you, as an absolute novice, I sincerely appreciate your assistance. However, I already found both a UV-5RM and the UV-5RM PLUS manuals online. The problem is both manuals document only two transmit power levels where AR-5RM has three. So, I wonder what else in these manuals might be different?
  7. bump..........
  8. Thank you for your comprehensive review. Question: I did not receive a model specific manual and cannot seem to find one online, can anyone post a link?
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