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WSDE521 last won the day on July 15 2024

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  1. Thank you very much for your input
  2. Thank you
  3. Can anyone tell me if they have had any experience with these radios and if the experience was good or bad. I have seen them on Amazon and it says the item is often returned!!! I am still shopping around and asking questions. I want to thank everyone in advance for any help they can provide. I have had nothing but positive advice from everyone on here except one person. I won’t mention their name but they seem to think they know everything about everything. If the person I am talking about is reading this you know who you are!!!
  4. I didn’t think of that, I will definitely rig up something I can setup after the fact ! That’s a fantastic idea, it won’t get destroyed during the storm and hopefully neither will my home!! I live in an area that is prone to flooding, but luckily my house is located in the higher area of my road ! Both ends of the road however do flood. I have all the trees around my house cut down so that if any of the trees remaining fall they won’t hit my house. thank you the info , I would not have never thought about doing it that way!!
  5. That sounds like a good idea! I think I will try that !
  6. Thank you very much
  7. Thank you, yeah I realize I need to get above the trees the best I can. And with a hurricane such as a cat 4 or 5 not sure it will hold up to the 150 -200 mph winds but I can hope. I am very close to two repeaters and I think that would be a plus as long as the antenna stays in place. I would like to get this done before it gets cold. It doesn’t really get all that cold here but sometimes in the 20-30’ . I have been watching videos of the damage in the mountains of North Carolina and it looks like a war zone. I know if Myrtle beach was to get a cat 5 making landfall the damage would be in the upper billions and loss of life would be very high. I am just trying to get something together to be prepared for something that bad in advance. I will checkout the antenna you mentioned and the coax size . I will get the radio and coax first. I will have to bury the bottom of the post in the ground with concrete. I have a neighbor who works for a power company, he drives his bucket truck home every day. I can get him to help him with it . He also is what I call a prepper like myself. But I want to thank you for your support. my name is Kenny by the way
  8. I am looking to purchase a base radio for emergencies and disasters. I live in Conway SC and we dodge a bullet with Hurricane Helen ! We have been lucky for the last several years!!! We are way past due for a cat 5 hurricane we have not had a cat 5 since Hugo !! That was 40 years ago. I feel really bad for all the people in NC . They have lost everything they owned. I have several handheld GMRS radios that work fine, I have a generator that can run my home. But if we have gas shortages like in NC due too a disaster , I have 45 gallons of gas but that will not last long. I would like to have some input on the best radio and the best antenna I will need. I am sure we all realize that it’s a matter of time and Myrtle Beach is going to get destroyed by a hurricane. I have food, medical supplies and plenty of ammunition if it is needed. I am always adding to my supplies for such things!! please give me some ideas on the best base radio and antenna, also give me a height I will need. I plan to anchor the post into the ground, and tie the coax to the post. I have a lot of trees around my house. I am guessing I will need to put the antenna as high as possible. thank everyone in advance for any suggestions, I will gratefully appreciate it.
  9. I agree, I don’t argue with people I don’t know because as you said like is to short to argue with them and they usually don’t know what they are talking about anyway! But I am grateful to everyone on here that actually tries to help people, I am still extremely new and some people think I should know everything about this subject from day one!! I am trying my best and read up on different topics daily!!! I have purchased books and read things online. I will definitely get the hang of this soon, I have always learned very quickly. But having stage 4 brain cancer has definitely reduced my ability to absorb information as quickly. But I will definitely learn
  10. Thank you very much, this is very helpful, I will have to purchase all the equipment one or two at a time, but I will definitely take your advice. Right now we are having a tropical storm and looking at 30”’s of rain not going to be able to do anything outside for a days anyway. But I think I will get the antenna and coax first and get it set up and anchored to my house and cemented in the ground. Then save the money to purchase the Radio and power supply, . That I can do inside regardless of the weather. We are in Hurricane season here in Myrtle Beach SC . I want to thank everyone on here for being so supportive and giving me suggestions on what I may need to purchase.
  11. Thank you
  12. Thank you, can you suggest where I should buy it? I am trying to get the money together, I can get the 1 1/2” -2” pipe free of charge and have people to help me secure it, I plan to put it about two-three feet in the ground and cement it in the ground, I can also anchor it two or three times to the side of my house, it’s not going to fall down!!! I can put the antenna on and clamp it down really well then secure the coax as many times as I need to. I will drill a hole in the floor and run the coax through it after I have everything installed I will silicone around the the hole. I only plan to drill the hole one size bigger than the coax itself. I do believe I will need to ground it really good so lighting should not be a problem. Anyway thanks again and if you can tell me where to purchase the Antenna cheaper than Amazon please let me know. I will need approximately 45 foot of coax to reach the radio from the antenna and under my house
  13. I found this on Amazon , is this what you use ? I am still trying to put away the money to buy all of these items, If you have any more suggestions please let me know. I am on SS and have to be cautious about how much I spend, however I am old enough to know that you get what you pay for! If it is too cheap. It’s probably junk .
  14. Thank you man, I appreciate your support. You have been very supportive to everything I have asked on here , I respect that and appreciate it . I have noticed there are some people on here that believe that they know everything about everything but in reality they know absolutely nothing about anything. Other than being disrespectful to others! Those people I just ignore because all they want is attention!! thank you again
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