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WSDE521 last won the day on July 15

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  1. I agree, I don’t argue with people I don’t know because as you said like is to short to argue with them and they usually don’t know what they are talking about anyway! But I am grateful to everyone on here that actually tries to help people, I am still extremely new and some people think I should know everything about this subject from day one!! I am trying my best and read up on different topics daily!!! I have purchased books and read things online. I will definitely get the hang of this soon, I have always learned very quickly. But having stage 4 brain cancer has definitely reduced my ability to absorb information as quickly. But I will definitely learn
  2. Thank you very much, this is very helpful, I will have to purchase all the equipment one or two at a time, but I will definitely take your advice. Right now we are having a tropical storm and looking at 30”’s of rain not going to be able to do anything outside for a days anyway. But I think I will get the antenna and coax first and get it set up and anchored to my house and cemented in the ground. Then save the money to purchase the Radio and power supply, . That I can do inside regardless of the weather. We are in Hurricane season here in Myrtle Beach SC . I want to thank everyone on here for being so supportive and giving me suggestions on what I may need to purchase.
  3. Thank you, can you suggest where I should buy it? I am trying to get the money together, I can get the 1 1/2” -2” pipe free of charge and have people to help me secure it, I plan to put it about two-three feet in the ground and cement it in the ground, I can also anchor it two or three times to the side of my house, it’s not going to fall down!!! I can put the antenna on and clamp it down really well then secure the coax as many times as I need to. I will drill a hole in the floor and run the coax through it after I have everything installed I will silicone around the the hole. I only plan to drill the hole one size bigger than the coax itself. I do believe I will need to ground it really good so lighting should not be a problem. Anyway thanks again and if you can tell me where to purchase the Antenna cheaper than Amazon please let me know. I will need approximately 45 foot of coax to reach the radio from the antenna and under my house
  4. I found this on Amazon , is this what you use ? I am still trying to put away the money to buy all of these items, If you have any more suggestions please let me know. I am on SS and have to be cautious about how much I spend, however I am old enough to know that you get what you pay for! If it is too cheap. It’s probably junk .
  5. Thank you man, I appreciate your support. You have been very supportive to everything I have asked on here , I respect that and appreciate it . I have noticed there are some people on here that believe that they know everything about everything but in reality they know absolutely nothing about anything. Other than being disrespectful to others! Those people I just ignore because all they want is attention!! thank you again
  6. I am now searching for a good base GMRS radio and suggestions on a good antenna! I will probably have to put an antenna reasonably high up on a post due to all the trees and other foliage in my area, they are mostly pine trees but there is numerous oak trees and the forest area is pretty dense in areas. I would like to purchase a decent base radio with enough watts to reach the two repeats near me with little or no problem. I should have already purchased one due to live in a hurricane prone zone. Right now we are just having a tropical storm but it can dump 30” of rain on us in the next couple of days, I have a generator for backup power because we lose power often due to bad storms and hurricanes. We have been lucky in the last few decades, the last category 5 hurricane was Hugo back in 1989 !!! We have dodged a bullet several times with cat 3-4 hurricanes turning before making landfall here in Myrtle Beach. if anyone can please recommend a good GMRS base please let me know, I am looking for something between $300-$500 less if possible but reliable. Also an antenna that will give the distance to transmit and receive. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I am looking for help not smart remarks or rude comments from people who think they know everything!! I am here to help and get help from others who know how to respect others.
  7. My 2nd KG-935g plus arrived yesterday. If it works as well as the first one I will be extremely happy!! I am considering buying 5-6 more so everyone in the family that is old enough can have one when we go hiking and camping. My son can keep 4 at his house for the same reason and in an emergency he will have them for his wife and two oldest children.
  8. Damn that’s a big fire , hope no one has been injured or homes damaged or lost
  9. I agree, I have another one ordered, should be here Monday. I think they will be very useful in those kinds of situations. Where I live the majority of threats are weather related!! Bad storms knocking out power trees down blocking exits and of course hurricanes!! I do have 3 acres of woodlands and swampy areas. Of course someone else in my neighborhood could have wildfires near their homes, along with myself. I only have one neighbor that has GMRS radios, but several others that have children that have FR’s .
  10. Thank you I will check it out, the earlier it is the better for me at this time, I have a lot to learn so if it’s easier it is better for me at least until I learn more
  11. Thank you I will do just that
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