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Everything posted by TrikeRadio

  1. The RX only on channels 55 and above (in GMRS mode only) is not actually in the manual at all. But it is a thing that I and others have confirmed. Again it is only in the GMRS mode that it locks you out of transmitting in 55-199.
  2. This is also very possible. Open RX would mean he hears everything on the frequency regardless of tones used.
  3. I believe It is possible if someone is listening to a legitimate transmission coming out of your repeater (a correctly matching tone opened the repeater's squelch) ...if a stronger transmission signal comes in on the same frequency -- even having a different tone -- there can be a delay in detection of the tone and that signal from the other repeater or even a strong simplex station nearby can piggyback on the opened squelch and break in on your repeater... or on the receiving station (your bother's) temporarily, until the radio squelch recognizes the tone and cuts if off.
  4. Does anyone who owns a DB25 or DB25-G have any input, suggestions, or answers to any of the questions I posed in the above comment? Thanks in advance.
  5. Yes, it is normal. it is the "breath" function in your menu.... it flashes to let you know it is still on when the display goes to sleep to save power. you can set how often it flashes in the options.
  6. I think I understand the "TMR" setting options... but have found one thing kind of annoying: (When you have it on ANY of the multi channel monitoring settings other than "OFF") -- an example: Let's say you have your TMR option set to "A+B+C+D" ... or even "M+B+C+D" ... and you have your A channel currently selected on the display... you also have a repeater on the B channel slot, let's say it is on .700 with a RX CTCSS and TX CTCSS tone... When activity on that frequency in B which does not match your RX CTCSS tone comes in, it will CORRECTLY NOT OPEN SQUELCH, and you don't hear it (that is good) -- but the annoying part is that it moves the selector to that channel B slot automatically and shows activity there (coming from some OTHER repeater on .700 with a different tone) ... but while that activity that you are not hearing is active, YOU CAN'T MOVE THE SELECTOR UP OR DOWN to another slot to Transmit on A for instance. It will just keep automatically moving the selector back to B until that squelched activity is over. You also can't easily change the channel in that B slot that is actively selecting because of the squelched activity to another channel/frequency slot (like C,D or A) because between key presses trying to type in another channel... it will re-select the active channel (B in this example) and effectively cancel out what you were trying to enter. The only way to stop this, and allow you to move the selector back up to A so you can transmit there while B is auto selecting because of the squelched activity... is to hit the menu button, hit zero to go to the TMR settings again, push menu again to edit it, hit zero again to turn it off, and hit menu again to set it... then of course hit Exit (#) to get out of the settings menu and then switch your selector to A... Not only is that a PITA and a LOT of steps, you just turned off all monitoring of the other channel slots and puts you back to monitoring only the one channel you have selected on A! So, if after you complete transmitting on A, you want to again monitor all the others, you have to go back into the menu and re-enable the TMR settings... and back into the same dilemma if any squelched activity comes on at B! A few solutions that would be nice... 1. Is there a way to stop the auto-moving of the selector to a channel with activity? 2. Is there a way to make it NOT select or even show activity on a channel slot that is PURPOSELY SQUELCHED OUT so it does not select the activity (maybe just shows it as green when there is squelched activity but don't select it and let you move the selector yourself? Thanks if anyone has any ides or answers. Maybe I missed something in the settings to do this?
  7. This really makes me want to try it... I can just hear the police dispatcher, "Your what is being interfered with?"
  8. Thanks for this thread. I was unsure where this setting was too. I just got a DB25G and yeah, the manual is less than ideal and a bit cryptic... but this helped point me in the right direction to find those options. It does seem like some of the listed options in the manual can't be programmed or are listed with different names in CHIRP. Maybe they skipped some of them? I haven't tried the propitiatory software for it.
  9. the RX only above channel slot 54 applies only when the radio is operating in GMRS mode. if you are in the unlocked "Normal" mode... there are no restrictions. I am not sure if there are any similar restrictions in HAM mode.
  10. I don't think you can set channel "B" ( I assume you mean the lower channel on teh display?) to always be RX only. setting individual channel memory slots up to be RX only is possible (if you place them in slots above 54 (on the GMRS MODE) they will always be RX only. Also non-GMRS frequencies that you enter while in GMRS mode will also be RX only. but there is no way to make a saved channel that will transmit to be RX only just because it is in the lower of the two displayed channels. That is not the function of the A and B display.
  11. In GMRS MODE... channels 31-54 (I think) will automatically act like they are repeater duplexing channels... where they automatically transmit +5 from the receive frequency. Now, you can override that in chirp by setting the SPLIT instead of the + and entering the same transmit channel to make it a SIMPLEX. Here are some screenshots of my CHIRP screens and how i set up a simplex channel in channel slot 36 for instance: first one... shows how I am changing the + to SPLIT... (will be entering the same transmit frq as the receive freq to kindof bypass the repeater offset) Second image you get a popup to enter the tranmit freq.. make it the sameas you receive. thrid.. is is set... upload to radio. note that if you SAVE your chirp files... if you re upload them again at some point wihtout touching the settings for those simplexx channals it might still show it when you reopen the file like it has reset to the + and offset but it will be ok when you put it back in your radio... IF HOWEVER you do make any edits to that line... you WILL have to redo this procecdure or it will think you want it to just do a repeater offset. hope that makes it clearer and it helps you get it working.
  12. Have you tried programming it from the keboard on the radio instead of using Odmaster? I feel like Odmaster is a abit quirky. or use Chirp to program it. what you are trying to do (use a simplex channed on GMRS1 (I assume) with a tone of some kind to elimiate other transmissions... and putting a simplex tone on channel 31 with that same frequency without tones... should work. my only thought is that you might have input the frequency on ch 31 and it thinks you are trying to put in a REPEATER frequency and is trying to offset +5 --- and telling you that you can't transmit as a repeater on the +5 offset from GMRS1 frequency.
  13. I have one but have not really had a chance to use it. I bought it because a friend has a radio that needs an easier way to program it in the field using the cell phone. I don't really like the odmaster app as much as chirp for programming but it is convenient for doing changes away from the computer and without a cable. I have TD-H3 radios personally so they already have the bluetooth built in, so I didn't need the bluetooth programmer for my radios. (and actually I don't find programming most things from the keyboard on the radio to be that difficult) I have never tried a Baofeng, So not sure how easy or difficult that is to program. as far as powering it on... if you charged it, that little button on the side (small and kinda hard to see) should just turn the blue light on it and it should be on.
  14. HA! Well.. mine has an asterisk at both ends.
  15. i just put *NONE* in for my HAM license since I also do not have one.
  16. Good to hear. Hope you get everything working.
  17. What you might do is find and contact a local club (maybe one that owns the repeaters you are trying to use?) and see if they can help you locally. Like mentioned above, if someone can't help you get it working over the internet, a long distance phone call probably won't help either. or, if you want help here... a few things to help would be to give people on this forum some specific things to answer since we don't know what exactly you did or did not do to follow what you saw in various youtube videos or manuals. 1. Tell use which repeater you are trying to connect too. (can you find it listed here on the mygmrs map/repeater lists. 2. list out the settings you input for teh CTCSS or DTS you set... the frequency 3. are you using a GMRS pre-setup radio (in GMRS mode vs being "unlocked") with channels already programmed into it? 4. are you using the REPEATER channels for the right frequencies vs using the simplex channels which have the same frequencies? it might take a few steps but if a few specific questions can be answered one at a time instead of tryinng to guess at what might be wrong... we might be able to help give you some info and advice that will get you understanding it and the radio working for you.
  18. Not sure what Mode you have your H8 set to... but if you have it set to the GMRS mode, all the NOAA frequencies are already set up by default in the last channel slots... like channels 189-199 I think.
  19. Glad you found a good solution for your needs. I am surprised they work well enough when you are "caravaning" if they are being used as handhelds inside of the cars/trucks. But I guess close together it would work.
  20. The exciting and important job of FCC agents! LOL.
  21. There are already two open, pretty wide coverage GMRS repeaters in the area around McKinney. Have you checked out those repeaters? There are also several smaller range repeaters all around the Dallas Area.
  22. Maybe people you already know in the area would be interested in using radios to stay in touch or use for an activity where radio communications would be useful... you might be able to get them interested enough to get radios themselves to talk to you on your radio. There are repeater clubs out there where you MIGHT meet new friends and find things in common to do things with and use the radios too. But as others have stated, really... GMRS is meant to communicate with people you already know. but yeah.
  23. What do you mean exactly by a "24 ft room antenna" ? Do you mean your properly tuned GMRS antenna sits atop a 24 foot tower? is it indoors? is the actual antenna 24 feet tall? GMRS antennas are not that tall) Maybe clarify exactly how you have the antenna positioned and what make/model of antenna it is. That might help people give you helpful feedback.
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