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Everything posted by TrikeRadio

  1. You might be on the very edge of being able to talk simplex if you don't have too much between the locations. Worth trying. Might have to be outdoors to do it if there is a pretty clear line. I have been about to get 5 to 7 miles simplex in some locations. If the local repeater is not too far away and has some altitude for it's antenna that could work too. Everything depends on your local situation. I can reach a repeater from inside my house that is about 25 miles away, but it is also on top of a 5,000 foot mountain plus on a tower... and I am using a 771G whip antenna on my 5 watt HT.
  2. Isn’t that a problem for people who are using radios that are not able to send that code?
  3. LOL OK... I guess there are mobile MURS radios... But really? $370 for a two watt radio? This looks like a desperate attempt to separate money from a business that does not know better. "hey look... a no-license-required two watt radio for your business needs. Hmmm.
  4. MURS is limited to 2 watts. I dont know about that mobile unit posted above but that is very uncommon. Most MURS units then are HTs. There is a height maximum of how high you can put an external antenna (can't find that at the moment) and the typical range you can expect is maybe 10 miles at most. so... yeah. More info onine: https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/bureau-divisions/mobility-division/multi-use-radio-service-murs
  5. or use MURS radios / frequencies... no license required, but like FRS it is limited in power output and other things. only HT (hand held transmitters) not mobile units. and limited range.
  6. Some repeaters and repeater clubs might like users to Id at the start of a transmission too just for convenience but it is not something mandated by the FCC
  7. Bought both of mine in a set… from Amazon. Never had a problem with either.
  8. My two TD-H3s are blowing my mind. (I've seen so many reports by people bagging on the Tidradios but I have had nothing but great experiences with my H3. ) I'm up at my parents home about 8 miles east of Mariposa California... up in the foothills between Fresno and Yosemite Valley. I got permission from a repeater owner who has on setup overlooking Shaver Lake (I am not 100% sure of its exact location but from google maps it looks like it could be atop a ridge near Mt Stephenson). I'm able to hit the repeater with my two H3 handhelds using 771G antennas. The repeater has to be over 38 miles (60km) away but it seems I have a good line of sight through the hills from our location. The signal coming back does have a little static in it, but it is very understandable. I was amazed and very happy to find out this worked for me with this little amazing radios.
  9. Thanks for your work keeping the site working for us!
  10. I have heard a local car dealership on ch 6 or 7 I think… while cycling past it on a local bike trail. “ we have the customer waiting, please bring the keys up to the front office”
  11. This is another thread that refuses to die. would be nice to be able to mark some threads as “closed permanently” (for your own account) so old ones don’t reappear in your unread posts ever again. (Asking for this feature as a Christmas gift)
  12. You may just have a bad one.
  13. Should not be a problem as long as you are not causing issues for others on the frequency you choose. Sounds like fun actually.
  14. Could be. And this school uses GMRS/FRS channel 20 (462.675 MHz) which of course is also a repeater frequency so yeah they possibly don’t hear the repeater but people close to their location hear them on open.
  15. For what purpose? To identify the source of an interfering station maybe?
  16. I don't know why it wouldn't be perfectly legal. all GMRS and FRS communication is considered "in the public" ... just as it is perfectly legal to photograph anyone in a public place where this is "no expectation of privacy"
  17. I often hear the teachers and administrators at a local elementary school on simplex a few miles from my home. They seem to be using either GMRS (or maybe more likely FRS) and have a CTCSS tone on their transmissions. I'm not sure if they think that makes their communications "private".... but of course they are not. I kind of wonder if I should contact the school or school district to let them know that their radio communications are not private... or if that would just make them think I am a "weirdo" listening in. But I have heard a few funny things like "I need help over here, someone just dumped a whole tray of milk"... and ... "Johnny threw up and I have him all cleaned up... can you call his parents? he needs to get home"... stuff like that.
  18. Thanks.. that is what I assumed but was not sure of.
  19. When some repeaters auto transmit their ID... many in Morse Code... what is that then if it is not a "license" ? is it the owner's GMRS Callsign or is it something else?
  20. This looks like a job for Amateur (HAM) radio if you did really want to talk between Vegas and Riverside, CA... Which means getting a Ham license and your receiving party also studying for a Ham license ... and getting some serious antennas and radios setup at your homes. Sorry... GMRS is not really capable of this. HAM on the other hand does have some linked repeaters that might be able to relay the transmission even if you were not able to get a simplex (Radio to radio direct) connection with Ham Radio.
  21. I believe this was something the British experimented with for listening for approaching aircraft before RADAR became the best way to watch for attacking aircraft.
  22. Another question.. when you ordered them.. .did you order it for GMRS or HAM... the radio is the same but comes preset to the mode you bought and comes with antenna that is compatible with the band you chose.
  23. Did you get the 1. HAM 2. GMRS 3. NORMAL menu when you di the PTT1 & * Turn it on... ? you should have seen that menu and chosen 2... it would reset with all the default GMRS channels pre-programmed
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