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About randallbonin

  • Birthday 12/09/1952

Profile Information

  • Name
    Randall B.
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    Nederland, TX

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  1. Suggestion………. Under the main menu, when I select “Map”, it always defaults to “Satellite Streets”, which is very difficult to see clearly. Each time, I must manually select “Street Color”, which is the very best view in my opinion. I suggest that the default view be changed to “Street Color”, or at least use the last setting used. BTW, your website is excellent. Thanks so much, Randall Bonin WRPM538
  2. Thanks for replying Sean! I saw several GMRS repeaters listed on the MyGMRS map, I’ll give them a try. Because I have some health issues, my wife and I will more than likely low in the valley. Our children and grandchildren can venture out. Have a blessed day. Randall B. Nederland, Texas
  3. We are planning a family vacation at Yosemite National Park (June/July) and understand the cell phone service limited. We will be in the valley area. Can anyone recommend which of the available GMRS repeaters in that area would be best suited for keeping track of family members? Randall B. WRPM538 Nederland, Texas
  4. Has anyone had any luck in using the Radioddity GM-30 GMRS programming software? When downloading, the percentage increases to 100%, but there are no frequencies shown on my PC. Any suggestions? Thanks, Randall Bonin Amateur: N5UNG GMRS: WQYW855
  5. Has anyone had any luck in using the Radioddity GM-30 GMRS programming software? My download appears to be working, but there are no freqs/channels in the software after what appears to be a successful download. Any suggestions? Thanks, Randall Bonin Amateur: N5UNG GMRS: WQYW855 Nederland, Texas USA
  6. Thanks everyone...
  7. Can a GMRS licensee request a vanity call sign? Thanks...
  8. Maybe my initial post may have been confusing. A repeater can have a tone for TRANSMITTING to the repeater, and a tone (or EVEN a different tone) for RECEIVING the transmission from the repeater. My question: Is the tone adjustable on the Midland MXT115 for repeater INPUT tone, or repeater OUTPUT tone, or the tone entered used for both TX and RX? Thanks, Randall B.
  9. Can the Midland MXT115 MICROMOBILE® TWO-WAY RADIO transmit a tone to active a repeater? Are the tones built into the radio for receiving, transmitting or both? Thanks, Randall B. Nederland, Texas USS
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