The short answer is that I was looking for more radio activity.
I started with a pair of walkie talkies made by Lafeyette in the early 70's. I would talk with other kids in the neighborhood.
Then, my dad got a CB for his truck during that craze in the mid 70s. I had one in my car later on as a teenager, as did my friends, in the early 80s until activity on that band dried up.
I got my ham license in the early 90s when 2M / 70cm was big. I joined a club and got to work on repeaters which I enjoyed learning about. It was fun, but the club dwindled and ham radio activity really dropped on VHF/UHF.
I got my GMRS license a couple of weeks ago thinking it was the newest craze. Sadly, I can hear two REACT repeaters in another state and that is about it apart from some kids on FRS.