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Everything posted by Beekeeper47

  1. Does 5 Mhz offset prohibits use by the XMT115 and other common lower cost GMRS radios with repeaters ? Nothing in the XMT115 manual refers to this offset. Or how to change the offset. It does speak of the access codes, but not an offset. Is the offset "fixed" in the radio such as the XMT400, XMT275, and the XMT115 ? Whereas the access codes and "fixed" offset is not a feature in the lower cost HT's ? By way of example, here is data from a repeater: Network: [None] Type: Open System Updated: August 10, 2018 Travel Tone: Yes ORI: Yes Apprx. Range: 13 Miles Output: 462.675 MHz 141.3 Hz Input: 467.675 MHz 141.3 Hz "Repeaters are by definition "half-duplex" since they use separate transmit and receive frequencies. They are called half-duplex because your radio cannot transmit and receive at the same time." Can I assume, that lower cost HTs are only capable simplex operation and are not " half duplex" capable ? That they both transmit and receive on the same frequency ? I apologize for beating a dead horse, I'm a bit confused by what the manual indicates or fails to explain and the overall operation of repeaters with GMRS radios. Thanks again for your patience. Regards, Rich
  2. I just became interested in GMRS in a effort to support my neighbors, who are already dabbling with low cost GMRS HT's. I currently own a Midland Mobile system which covers FRS/GMRS frequencies. We have a local repeater on channel 20 with 5 Mhz offset . My Midland Mobile is able to use channel 20 and has the ability to provide the needed code to use this repeater. However, nothing in the Midland manual speaks about providing an offset. So here are my questions; A) Can I access this repeater w/o the offset ? B ) Does the Midland Mobile automatically generate the needed offset ? (It's just not indicated in the manual?) C) Assuming the repeater owner will permit me to use his/her repeater, can I use the repeater in a simplex mode ? D) Is the intent of having an offset to prevent low cost GMRS owners from using a repeater even if they know the needed access code. (Thereby limiting use to more expensive radio users ....i.e. Motorola radios, etc.) Reducing traffic being the intent. E) Can a GMRS repeater automatic function in a delayed simplex mode when it determines that a offset operation is not possible. I apologize for all the questions, my knowledge of GMRS systems is limited and I'm have a hard time finding published information. Thanks in advance for the help. Regards, Rich (WRCB692 & KI7LFD)
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