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Everything posted by WSDV406

  1. WSDV406 here. Jeffrey, in Hermitage. I am VERY likely able to host the Gallatin 650 check-in. Do you want to add the Lebanon repeater at 462.675 and nashville (love circle) repeater at 462.575 to the list? I might could host those too. Those repeaters aren't super active, but they have a wide footprint like the brentwood and gallatin repeaters.
  2. Hey yall. Jeffrey Davis here. WSDV406. I'm in Hermitage. I'm only on HT for now -- either a Baofeng UV-5R or a Tid H3 -- and I monitor all of the local repeaters that I can hit, but I'm on the Brentwood and Nashville (Love Circle) and Lebanon 675 repeaters most often. I talked to someone transmitting on the Brentwood repeater from Columbia and I was transmitting from central Mount Juliet. They told me about this group and I'm glad to make yall's acquaintance. I'm pretty new to radio, so I'm always glad to chat and accept any help and advice anyone wishes to share.
  3. Thanks for being so helpful to a newcomer. You're such a gem of a human.
  4. Thanks for the detailed explanation! I have some research ahead of me. And I like it. Ha.
  5. Every site that includes a map of gmrs towers (including this one), requires you to log in with your gmrs callsign to see the info needed to program that repeater to your radio. As I stated earlier, this is almost entirely an emergency and/or SHTF thing for me. So I'd like to have every local gmrs (and ham, for that matter) repeaters in my radios for such occasions. For GMRS repeaters, that information was locked behind having a calling (on every source that I could find at least.
  6. It's worth a lot. Truly. Thanks for taking the time to say so.
  7. I can see that very good number of you folks here have giant sticks up your asses. I was a brand new user and ask a question. And accidentally posted it multiple times. Whoops. My bad. I'm new. And y'all can't take a joke aimed at the "Queen." That's weird but whatever. Anyone that wants to put me on a block list by all means please do so. I'm not interested in engaging with folks so petty anyway. For those of you that have been helpful, I greatly appreciate it and thanks for helping me out!
  8. Nope. Didn't even know the form existed.
  9. Didn't realize it was faux pas to post often. And I thought it was obvious that the antenna sucking comment was a joke. I guess not. I don't see why yall are calling me a sad ham. Literally the only thing I said is that I do not and will not alter or censor my speech when I transmit. If that makes me a sad ham to yall, then so be it.
  10. I didn't treat anyone like anything. I just don't and won't censor the words I use.
  11. Thanks for the warm welcome
  12. I understand that....as this was my first post, I didn't realize that it listed my callsign when I posted. So @OffRoaderX can go suck a sad ham antenna. So you're saying that the Nagoya NA-701C does an "ok" job at both HAM and GMRS frequencies? Any other recommendations to investigate? Or do you recommend swapping antennas? I still haven't looked into mobile antennas....as I'm very new to this. I bought a Baeofeng uv5r a couple of years ago and realized it was NOT as simple of a setup and usage as I thought it was. I've since bought a TIDRADIO T3 too. Both HT's, as I'm sure you're aware. My main interest is emergency/SHTF scenarios. Because yeah, the GMRS baby butt's near me are apparently gonna be too immature and supportive of arbitrary "rules" that infringe upon inalienable rights for me to be on the air waves with them. Oh well. Fuck em.
  13. I watch tons of your videos. I love your dry humor and satire. I don't give a SHIT about FCC rules or guidelines. I paid my $35 for.....let's call it "other reasons". I actually got ousted from a local GMRS club within 48 hours. Hey. Whatever. Fuck em. I'm not about arbitrary rule following drones that support censorship and the infringement on inalienable rights. So now you have my GMRS callsign. Know that I'm a free speech absolutist who paid their $35 for access to information, not to adhere to arbitrary rules. That said, do you have any recommendations on antennas?
  14. I understand that a jack of all trades is a master of none......but i also recognize that a master of none is better than one (which is the other half of the quote that most folks don't know). That said, can you recommend a "jack of all trades" antenna(s) for a HT?
  15. I watch tons of your videos. I love your dry humor and satire. I don't give a SHIT about FCC rules or guidelines. I paid my $35 for.....let's call it "other reasons". I actually got ousted from a local GMRS club within 48 hours. Hey. Whatever. Fuck em. I'm not about arbitrary rule following drones that support censorship and the infringement on inalienable rights. So now you have my GMRS callsign. Know that I'm a free speech absolutist who paid their $35 for access to information, not to adhere to arbitrary rules. That said, do you have any recommendations on antennas?
  16. I'm new to the radio world. I'm a GMRS license holder (WSDV406). My interest in radio is mostly for emergencies and SHTF scenarios. My question is: With the arrival of radios like, but not limited to, the TIDRADIO H3 -- which are capable of tx and rx on HAM and GMRS frequencies -- is there a single antenna for HT's that works well for both bands? Or would you need to have one for each band and swap them continually. Please don't get overly legal. I'm not talking about regular transmission.....I'm talking about emergency and SHTF scenarios. Also, if you can help it, please don't get too overly technical. I'm willing to learn (and am learning a LOT), but i'm looking for the simplest answer.......if one is possible.
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