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  1. The MXTA26 is on my radar screen. I have heard many say good things about that antenna. If I wasn't concerned about it getting in the way, I would have mounted my antenna in the center of the roof of my truck.
  2. There are some GMRS antennas out there that are advertised/spec'd/marked as "no ground plane". Have you looked at those? The Browning BR2445 "ghost" antenna I am running is a no ground plane antenna.
  3. Thanks for the input. I will try going higher. Good to know the squelch doesn't do a whole bunch on these radios. I was concerned about reception range. Also, it isn't too difficult at all to change/adjust it. I am running a Browning BR2445 antenna. It is the "ghost", no ground plane antenna. I have a-pillar/ditch lights on my truck and I have the antenna mounted to a bracket I made that attaches to the light bracket. I have been thinking about getting a different antenna. I like the looks of the antenna and its performance is reasonable. I think (and know) it could be better if it was taller which in my mind would help overall in regards to the vehicle blocking radio signals in general. I would really like to mount the antenna on the roof of my truck in the center; however, with the antenna there it could (and probably would) be in the way when I use my roof top tent or carry kayaks.
  4. I recently purchased a Radioddity DB-20G to replace a Midland 115 that I was having audio issues with. I am trying to find the sweet spot for my squelch setting and seeking input and experience from others. I am trying to find the sweet spot for the squelch setting. I can set it at 2 and not have static; however, when I receive some transmissions the squelch will remain open. I have set it higher (about mid-point) and still experience the intermittent squelch remaining open. I can "clear" the open squelch with a key of the mike. I have also not set it to the highest setting because I am concerned about reception range. Like I said, just putting this out there for any input and experiences others may have had with this radio which I do think is a decent radio for under $90.00.
  5. I definitely think it is/was a 115 issue. Went on a camping trip about a week ago and still had this radio in my truck. I was on a camping trip and had repeater information programmed into the radio. I was able to "trip" the repeater and receive just fine. But, on the transmit side, there were audio issues with the radio. Very brief audio and then drop. Of course this is different than my very brief receive and then drop which started this thread. Something weird going on with the audio on this radio. I have since replaced it with a Radioddity DB-20G. So far I am happy with the DB-20G. I just have to find the sweet spot with the squelch setting. I can go down to 2 and don't heard the static; however, after receiving a transmission sometimes the squelch remains "open". Trying to go as low as possible to not adversely affect the reception range.
  6. An issue with the Midland 115 radio is what I have pretty much concluded myself. Threw this out there to see if anyone else may have experience this or had ideas which I hadn't considered. Sounds like mine isn't the only one that has experienced issues. Unfortunately my radio is long past the warranty period. I have been thinking about a 40 watt radio for my truck. Maybe now is a good time.
  7. Yeap, all other radios are ok. Very weird. I thought it may be a Midland issue; but, the Midland GMRS handheld that I have receives without any issues. A head scratcher to me.
  8. Thanks for the answer. I did have them separated by about 500 feet. Not a great distance but more than enough to me. Of course when I figured out I was having a problem, I had them closer trying to diagnose and solve it. I need them to work relatively close together because I use my handhelds with the mobile in my truck when I have my wife spotting me with backing our trailer.
  9. I just purchased a couple of Ailunce HA1G radios. I was trying them out around the house and my MXT115 radio will receive the signal (indicated by the signal bars); however, I get the first couple of words of the transmission and then no other audio. I confirmed that there are no encoding tones set on the MTX115 and the Ailunce HA1G and there are none. I can receive on a Midland handheld, Baofeng handheld, and Retevis mobile without any issues. I also thought that there may be some type of frequency "drift" causing the loss of audio on the MXT115. All of the other radios were receiving fine and I programed the GMRS frequency into a scanner and the scanner received the HA1G just fine. Just strange to me and something I have yet to resolve. Anyone with a similar issue or ideas?
  10. I know this post is quite old; however, I was doing some research on MTX115 receive issues. I just purchased a couple of Ailunce HA1G radios. I was trying them out around the house and my MXT115 radio will receive the signal (indicated by the signal bars); however, I get the first couple of words of the transmission and then no other audio. I confirmed that there are no encoding tones set on the MTX115 and the Ailunce HA1G and there are none. I can receive on a Midland handheld, Baofeng handheld, and Retevis mobile without any issues. Just strange to me and something I have yet to resolve.
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