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Everything posted by RCM

  1. RCM

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  2. Hello all; I just received my GMRS license a couple of days ago. I am a ham and have been involved in various facets of radio since the '70s. I've considered getting a GMRS license for years, but prior to 1999 it just seemed too restrictive and didn't seem to offer any real advantages for me. I was much more involved in amateur radio and didn't have the time for what GMRS was at the time, or at least what I perceived it to be, right or wrong. That was then, this is now. I'm pleased with the direction GMRS has taken. I remember when FRS first came out, and in fact I sold some of the first FRS radios before they were widely available. I watched as the blister pack radios became more capable, and heard the buzz about how they would result in the demise of GMRS. I'm happy that hasn't happened, and that GMRS has become a more useful and accessible radio service than ever before.
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