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Everything posted by rogers4133

  1. There is a gmrs repeater that is located in Wisconsin Rapids on 462.700. It is part of a 3 repeater linked system that covers a wide area.
  2. Hi Ken I have a repeater here in central WI that is linked to another one about 40 miles away. The 2 repeaters get very little use. There is however a bigger linked system in southern WI that is tied in with about 10 other machines that gets used everyday. But not to the point where it can't be used pretty much when you want. So i guess in answer to your question, i would say in some areas its holding its own. And in other areas there is very little use if that helps. Take care Jeff
  3. Zap I have a copy of his email in the file cabinet, for if & when it will be needed. Jeff
  4. Back a couple of years ago i contacted a gentleman at the FCC corp office asking if i could use a seperate link radio to join 2 or more gmrs repeaters. His answer was yes as long as they remain within your group of frequencies. So i'm wondering why everybody keeps beating a dead horse? Just saying. Feel free to do the same by contacting your fcc office. Jeff
  5. Hello I only use 1/2 inch hardline for runs up to 100 feet for least amount of loss. Longer then 100 feet i jump to 7/8 inch. Just adding my 2 cents worth. Jeff
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