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About WSEM624

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    Jackman, Maine

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  1. I am looking at buying a cheap windows computer to see if if has coms ports.
  2. It does not work. When I do that the device populates but shows an error. Microsoft has even said it would not work.
  3. Apparently Windows 11 no longer uses com ports. So, I need to find someone with a Windows 10 computer. I am frustrated with Midland, Alnico and Microsoft. This is 2024 people.
  4. I have Windows 11 operating on a MacBook Pro. I have a Midland MTX500 GMRS radio and an Alinco, DR DMR500 VHF/UHF radio that both need to be programed using Windows. Windows 11 does not have coms ports. I can;t program either radio do to Windows 11 not having coms ports.
  5. Yes, I have read the Midland instructions and I did I have done everything as instructed. The only thing I can thing of right now is I am running Windows 11 on a MacBook Pro.
  6. I have tried using a MacBook Sequoia and Windows 11 Home.
  7. I have a Midland MTX500T and have been unsuccessful programming it. I continue to get the error of not finding the com port when connected to my laptop. Does any have a solution? Thanks, Daniel
  8. Good evening, I am new to GMRS and will be taking my Ham Radio license test on November 02, 2024. I live in Jackman, Maine and would like to get to know the local broadcast community.
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