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Posts posted by kidphc

  1. The Burb decided to become damn near dangerous to drive. Most of the possibilities for repair were going to cost what I paid for the truck. So I gave up on her.

    Enter 200 Land Cruiser.

    Got the FTM 400 installed. However, on GMRS frequencies I get hash. Even with squelch all the way up it breaks the squelch. So far with the engine off all accessories on no hash. Engine running is when it occurs. I even took out the BF8hp and can hear it when the engine is running and all the ham gear (radio, power pole distribution and Cell phone chargers unplugged).  Was trying to use the BF8HP as a locator but eh probably not the best radio for it. So the noise is not entering through the power leads, since it can be heard by the Baofeng.

    Kinda, lost as where to go to find the source of this noise. Never thought I would have to do a fox hunt on my truck.

    Any suggestions.


  2. From my reading of the law. You can't even have it in the car/truck. Due to the fact some of those frequencies are used by their lmr and public services.

    I am ham. They really don't question my gear my ham gear. I do have an sd card for my FTM400 that has all the gmrs frequencies removed to avoid any temptations

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

  3. I was driving from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin today, and I was monitoring channels 15-22. I originally was monitoring all channels, but I was getting super-local chatter, and I was mostly interested in high-power simplex and repeater traffic.
    When I heard something, it got me thinking. What repeater are they using? That gave me an idea for an app or a web page.
    I downloaded the GMRS repeater database, and made some *really* crude JavaScript. I whipped this thing up in an hour, and it's embarrassing, but it works!
    Showing is probably easier than telling...


    It's just a web page that gets your location from the browser, and then looks up the closest repeater on each channel. Right now I'm only showing the basics, but there's no reason I couldn't show the "tone in" and also have a link to the repeater details.

    Useful? Did I just reinvent something?
    I didn't make it public since I'm not sure what the licensing is for the GMRS database. If someone knows, let me know. Or, if the owner wants to reach out, lets chat.
    The concept has existed, well in the Ham world. Repeaterbook.

    Although Repeaterbook's app doesn't really have a gmrs filter and the website database is meh.

    I applaud your effort, it is an app that we needed.

    3 problems.

    1: what if the repeater is REACT or club member only?

    2: not all Gmrs repeaters are available for general public usage?

    3: how to restrict people without a gmrs license to access the info?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

  4. Do you use the stock remote head cable, or aftermarket? After almost 2 weeks on the bench, I got it installed. I used an aftermarket cable because I needed a microphone extension, and the factory cable got a slice in it. I'm now having a random intermittent power issue where it shuts off. I've ordered a new stock cable from DX to pickup today. Hopefully that's the problem.
    Also, I've come across this recommendation for a screwdriver antenna: Little Tarheel II. Its got great reviews for a screwdriver antenna, and the price is very reasonable. Size isn't too bad either. Figured you might be interested as well.
    Using stock, design the enclosure so everything was inside of 12" of each other.

    Did you check to see if you have loose power connections?

    Also make sure to run the firmware updates before install. I have been having issues with aprs, sometimes doesn't beacon. I see the packet in aprsdroid, just not on aprs.fi. starting to think it maybe a GPS lock issue on cold start.

    The tarheel is what I had looked at for hf. Just with the controller and the antenna it would cost almost as much as say a ft917. So we'll outside of my budget especially as a tech with no hf privelages.

    Would love a scorpion antenna, actually may die for one.....

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

  5. 9 minutes ago, tweiss3 said:

    Never knew about the APRS Winlink capability.

    Now I need to understand YSF in order to make up my mind.


    How is it going with replacing your 10/11 meter antenna?

    Got a Wilson 4" flex, it is too long to 10m. So in the back of the truck is a Shark 10m (non-mini) little shorter then the MFJ, still gotta tune it. Been working on a 2012 JKU Unlimited Wrangler, my dad picked up. Absolute garbage, well this example is. All the common crap. He made a big mistake buying this and knows it. Just keeps apologizing to me. For example, stereotypical overheating on the 3.6L. Welp wish that was it, but to give an idea spent 9 hours pulling wire and correcting a bunch of hokey stuff on the truck.

    YSF/C4FM is just another digital format, it is very similar to P25. There is a narrow band and a wide band digital format. Both are too wide to be used on HF say like a 991a, hence. Dstar is narrow enough to be used on HF. The FTM 400 when put in AMS mode, will auto select Fusion digital narrow, Fusion digital wide, FM narrow or FM wide based on the signal it receives, now you see where the C4FM nomenclature comes from.

    Wire-x is the when the repeater or radio (PDN) is connected to the internet and can access the Wires-x network. 

    FTM400 when set to PDN mode say in a base station setup with internet access can act as a portal to the WIRES-X network. You will need another C4FM capable radio to connect to the FTM-400.

    Otherwise you will need a hotspot, which connects to a bridge. Keep in mind the Bridged "Amerilink" room is not the same room as the one on the Wires-X/Yaesu network. Confusing, yup....

    Then there is GM "group monitor" You can set an ID and Group# beacon on a frequency and anyone close enough by with the same group # in GM mode will popup on your radio. By default it is set to ID 0 Group 0. No one in my area is really on GM on the FTM400 or my FT991a on 6m.

    One of my HAM friends (collects radios) says that C4FM/Fusion wide sound the best out of all the digital modes. With P25 and DMR sounding pretty good. Pretty much said all of them on narrow mode sound like garbage. You know the nasal under water robot sound.

    Check to see what Wire-x or Fusion repeaters are close by. That may sway your decision by a big long shot. Especially, since a lot of higher end DMR radios come with APRS.

    I'll try to get a shot of APRS Droid and the FTM running to give you an idea of what I was going for. As well as what Americalink sounds like over the repeater. Hell may do it on the FT991a and HRI so you hear what it sounds like.



  6. 7 minutes ago, tweiss3 said:

    I've just been reading between the top 3 IC5100A, D710GA and FTM400XDR and have limited my requirements to dual band, native APRS and cross band repeat. The icom is eliminated, which is a shame, the menu looks the nicest. I just remember you were using APRSDroid and thought you would have more information.

    I have found you can get a Mobalink to work with the 400 and do winlink and packet. It's not a requirement for me, but is a plus.

    The APRS on the 400 looks like it will work for me. I have been just reading the messages on my D74, and that's all im looking for while driving.

    Part of the reason I eneded up with the 400, was the ability to do Winlink, and SMSgate via the touch screen. Didn't like the whole T9 style texting of the Kenwood. Would of ended up with the ID5100a if it weren't for DPRS, yes you can add a TNC, but was trying to avoid that. 

    Also, wanted to avoid a laptop in the computer, the boot up time was a big one. I did however, wanted to see resource location 

  7. Do you have more information on this? So technically you can do packet radio with this BT connection? I've actually just become interested in this radio for various reasons, but i'm trying to understand its uses completely. 
    The TNC on the FTM400, is limited. It was more for visual representation on a map using APRSDROID, with a cell phone, as well as using APRDROID it is easier to see the raw aprs packets data, which is a pain in the but on the FTM 400. Not sure if it will relay SMGATE/winslink data from the phone to the radio.

    READ: NO digipeater possibilities in stock format.

    If you need full packet control you can add a TNC, and bypass the onboard TNC.

    However, at that point I would recommend a Kenwood 710ga, which has a fully accessible TNC, and a windows laptop. You could do pretty much the same thing incorporating a Bluetooth dongle.

    The FTM400, from what I get doesn't follow all the standard APRS formatting either, think it was a weird nemea data.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

  8. For what it's worth, I just did a trip and I tossed CB19 in the scanner queue (SDS200 with a NMO150/450/758 drilled in the roof) and I did hear quite a bit of CB traffic between the public safety stuff.
    Yup, there is actually a lot of traffic, especially by big highways. Makes 10meters look like a barren waste land.

    Guess most people's antenna setups aren't good.

    With the Wilson flex (4ft), I hear less then with the hamstick. Got a shark 10m antenna ( full size not the min) it's a tad short then the MFJ, also a lot thinner. Whip is much thicker.

    I will report back in when I get the chance to test it.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

  9. Water jet to cut precise lines. You could mock one up in Autocad and 3d print it?

    Realistically, probably going to be a hole saw with a jig saw. Slowly so it doesn't melt. The fumes are not so good to you.

    Maybe mount the things to acrylic and place it in the enclosure.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

  10. First off welcome and congrats.

    This is going by the p.o. box listed on the fcc uls database.

    The one in Pittsville/Willard (about 50 miles) is noted as local use. Until it is mounted to a higher up. You are fortunate the eastern shore is flat. With some elevation ( on a tower) and a high gain antenna when it is mounted to a tower, you may be able to hit it.

    Annapolis one is about 36.32. Depending on the height of the two repeaters antennas. Probably your best bet (since the open water doesn't block transmissions). May also get some local trophosperic ducting across the water.

    Just because it isn't listed doesn't mean there aren't any repeaters close by. So spend some time listening to the repeater channels.

    Use the forum map to tryvand contact the owners of the repeaters. They may be able to give you an idea of height of their antennas and expected coverage.

    Otherwise, 2 options.
    1.) You are limited to local coms unless you get a ham ticket, bit more ham repeaters not huge amount.

    2.) Time to start saving up and learning how to build your own repeater.

    Also, a yagi up at least 30 feet pointed to the repeaters maybe able to hit it. But generally, you will have to mod and tune an amateur one for gmrs.

    What do you have or plan on getting?

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

  11. Another question is what is your "ultimate build out scenario" for your shack?
    I keep DMR in the car because I like the removable head, and I do get pretty good roaming across the entire state to different DMR repeaters. I also will be traveling south, and there is a huge DMR wide area network I want to use while driving.
    My home shack, the ultimate buildout includes a IC9700, which puts me into D-Star.
    I think every one us wonder to whom this is directed to.

    Ic9700 is awesome for sattelite work at home.

    Probably for me:

    Ic9700 for upper band work and dstar.
    - mm bandwidth compatibility
    - may work with the newer aredn meshes

    Flex 6400m for hf work.
    - really digging the maestro ( hf work from the bathroom you know)

    Open spot 3 for a hotspot
    - cheap Chinese dmr for the portable connection
    -crossband while roaming the house.

    Yaesu ftm300 for yaesu wirex and alternate 2m/70cm radio.
    - the flexibility of pdn mode or rf work
    - dual c4fm (semi permanent beacon on one side)

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

  12. C4FM and System Fusion will be my mark my native voyage into digital comms once my 991A arrives. I did not pick the digital format, I picked the radio because it is a multi-band shack-in-a-box. The side benefit is that there are a lot of current SF repeaters in the area and more are known to be on the way in my area. Others have reported that audio quality on SF is better than the rest. We will see. My only experience with other digital formats is P25 communications from area public service agencies and a scanner. Having a professional audio background, the quality of comms I was exposed to was enough to dampen any personal interest in spending money specifically for a digital radio. We will see if the 991A changes that.

    One big negative to the ft991a is that it is too old and lacks the hardware to be used as a pdn. Nor can it connect to the HRI 200.

    There is a difference between a wire-x repeaters and fusion repeater. Wire-x you have internet access to most rooms. Fusion just another digital mode.

    The fusion/wire-x repeaters are still being sold at a heavy discount, as long as it is activated in a certain time period. For small ham clubs, it makes a huge difference when upgrading aging repeaters or wanting to put up a digital repeaters. It is why you still see moe and more of them, especially in rural areas.

    Join the 10m c4fm group on Facebook and watch videos. Especially, if you have a good 10m antenna.

    I have another post where I got a catzknob for my ft991a. It is awesome because you can assign functions to them instead of digging through the soft menu, basically may free up some of the onscreen quick menu buttons.

    2 negatives. 1.) The eprom can only be written to 100,000 times. Which means you may want to be choosey with what to assign them.

    2.) Everytime I power everything up and touch a know it reverts to the minus setting. So if you set squelch, then turn it to say 6. Power off and back on the squelch will be 0. Also some functions like noise blanker which has an off. The know does nothing till you touch the soft menu from "off" to "1".

    Awesome radio either way.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

  13. My input, all my opinions.

    I chose fusion. Why? At the time all the DStar radios (this was for mobile) only did DPRS. If Kenwood had made an updated 710ga that did DStar and APRS. I would probably be a DStar man. There are more DStar repeaters in my area then Fusion, DMR, and amateur P25.

    I looked at the DMR. One thing I didn't like was first you have to pick a group then a time slot. I understand the principles of DMR but it seamed like it would be harder to reach out and talk to more people some one (multiple branches so to speak). Plus if it isn't in the code plug have fun trying to program it on the fly.

    Yaesu's Wires-x is interesting. For example Americalink one of the biggest rooms can be accessed via HRI200 (in my case analog mode), a Yaesu radio that supports PDN node mode, or a linked repeater. If you came over a HotSpot, say with a DMR radio and a hotspot, it isn't the actual Americalink room, but a bridge room. So using Droidstar, I love having the HRI-200 up, the FT991a connected to a repeater and during the Net on Americalink. Because the FT991a can hear the conversations the HRI-200 can hear it but since Droidstar is coming across the bride, you get NADDDAAA.

    If you did get a hotspot, highly recommend, you only gain more with the handheld or mobile unit. The only one that can really do cross mode to DSTAR properly, is the SharkRF Open Spot 3, $$$$$. All the others don't do it due to the lack of the second AMBE chip, from what I understand.

    Also I had a conversation with a big RADIO guy ham. A friend of a friend were met up to exchange gear. He said personally, Yaesu C4FM/Wire-x is the most natural sounding and cleanrist, especially on WIDE digital mode. On narrow digital mode, it can get the same robo sound of the other digital modes. He has a DStar, C4FM, DMR, P25 and NXDN radios, hand helds, mobile and base stations. Plus a DMR repeater at this house. His choice was C4FM, P25 then the others. He kept asking me why DStar, when I was picking his mind. So that wasn't a positive. From what he and I could tell more people were on C4FM then DMR when just roaming about. DMR can be a bit sparse out in the countryside, where you are most likely to find a DStar repeater, a little less frequent is a C4FM. 

    Really, wish someone would could come up with some type of cross protocol platform outside of the hot spot. The different digital modes have us so fragmented now.

    Really going to come down to what repeaters support what mode and what the locals are using. Especially, if you aren't going to do a hot spot. If I were to buy an Open spot 3, I'd probably pick up a DMR radio. Especially, since it seams the early ones were developed for DMR. Then C4FM being added as well as DStar.



  14. Found some photos looks like a mish-mash of the 400.

    Is it me or does the body of the radio look like the body of a Yaesu FTM400?

    Looks like it is going to be a great radio. Available 25khx spacing. Testing showing 49.x Watts (manufacturer cushion to allow for tolerance variations). Looks very spectral clean with almost no spurious emissions.

    My only gripe "hi and lo" power settings from what I can see in the manual. So you get 5w or 50w, wouldn't a medium of 15-20w power setting been nice? don't like running radios at full power unless I need to.



  15. 16 minutes ago, tweiss3 said:
    Actually, look again, MFJ 1610T is not called the HamTenna. It's the same thing, they just updated it slightly after they bought the product. Everyone still calls it a Hamstick though.
    If I can center right at 28.4 and still use the entire 10m band, I'll be happy. I have the LDG Z817 tuner, but the more resonant the better.
    They are only $20 right now, I also grabbed the 1620T for 20m. I'll report back. I'm going to use the MFJ tri-magnetic mount and only put it up there for stationary use with my FT-817. I should make a build thread for my parks on the air/hiking setup.

    Get two for sota/pota work and look at running it as a dipole. They have cheap adapters for it.




  16. I'll add to this. Why, because VHF low band, i.e. 6M. A tech has full use of 6 meters, which can be quite open. I have 958 miles on SSB voice, and 2036 miles on FT8 (digital) at 50W. Plus, 10 meters has been insane, and even techs have 28.00-28.50MHz privileges (digital and SSB only), which I've had contacts as far as 2200 miles SSB and 5400 miles FT8.
    These are simply impossible for UHF, you can't possibly get high enough to make that contact on UHF, without the use of a satellite to repeat your signal.
    Yup. Too bad my random wire blows for 6m. I could get out so far was about 10miles.

    Picked up a dxcommander, need to build it. I am hoping I can have it setup so I can catch the early band openings.

    Random wire did get out to Tenessee a couple of weeks ago during a 10m opening. Did it on Olde 28.400 ssb.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

  17. Odd question, did you do a sweep on the HamTenna? How wide is the band? I'm picking one up this afternoon from DX (I love that they are basically next door), but the documentation on bandwidth is vague at best. 
    It is a mfj hamstick and not a hamtenna.

    Yes, I did a sweep. It is actually pretty wide banded. You are going to get at most 1.7 (10/11m depending on ground plane and tuning) on the edges. Pretty shocked, with the nmos (bottom loaded coils) it was much narrower. Up to 2.3 on the edges when tuning for the middle.

    Do I think it is incredible. No. I know enough to know that low swr doesn't mean it is a good antenna. Seems to hear well enough, been hearing Michigan and Florida on 38 usb a lot lately could be their setup with band openings. I get responses when calling at 5w on am on 11m. Not sure how far some of these people are.

    But for $35, I think it is great. Chose it because of cost, the fact there was no loading coil.

    Personally, if it weren't for covid I'd probably would of waited for hamfest probably could of gotten for about $15 then.

    Sorry, no captures of the nanovna.

    Should update, I ripped off the nmo this weekend in west Virginia. Spent some time grinding the mount a bit thinner and had to flip the nmo cap to get it to connect again.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk

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