I had something similar happen recently I just received my GMRS license and scanning the band and getting to learn my radios. I kept coming to a frequency that was obviously a VOX triggered transmitter being used as a baby monitor. I’m not sure if people are using FRS radios to do this or not, but that’s where my mind went at first not knowing a whole lot about the imported Frequencies that are being used by Chinese model monitors. This went on for three or four evenings when I would scan the channels, and then on the same channel, I started hearing children talking, which kind of confirmed my thought of it being an FRS radio as they were using it for two a communication around their house from the sounds of it . Seems uncool to run an FRS radio as a baby monitor. That’s just my opinion. And another night I heard a group of children somehow transmitting from a repeater for a few hours. Couldn’t have been over 5 or 6 years old. Curious how a cheap frs children’s talkie could make it onto a toned repeater so effectively.