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WSGV572's Achievements

  1. Good evening to all. I want to take this opportunity to offer you a salute (of respect) from this retired Master Sergeant (U.S.Army). I retired in 1991, after serving 20 years right out of high school, and returned to my roots here in Northern Minnesota. Never really dabbled in radio communications (other than squwakin’ on a CB once in a while). The Mrs. & I kinda “hybernate” in the winter months and I thought getting into some GMRS activity may help pass the time until the snow & cold are replaced by the warmth of summer. Then I can uncover the Harley (trike) and get back on the road! Plus, one never knows what other GMRS adventures could develop. In any event, I look forward to learning much more about the airwaves while gleaning whatever I can from the wealth of wisdom I suspect lie within this forum. Thanks for the invite and I appreciate the opportunity to join.
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