WSEN940 thank you for the post about your experience with this radio. I'm hawking the mailbox for the day mine arrives.
Also, thank you for your experience with the DB25-G. Reading through multiple on-line reviews (mostly on the jungle website), I noted how many people had the DB25 completely fail within the first few months of use. Pretty surprising, considering that most of the complaints about the DB20-G were related to output power not being exactly 20 Watts when measured, but much fewer issues with the robustness of the radio itself. The bad comments about the DB25 were enough for me to steer clear, just to potentially get 5 more Watts of power for less reliability.
Question for the group: Does everyone isolate their power, much like you would for a CB radio, and connect directly to the battery and ground point, in order to avoid any electronic interference noise? Does everyone just use their cigarette plug as is?
I'm comfortable wiring direct in my pickup, as I've already done so for my CB radio setup. For now, this radio would roam between vehicles as required, and I might not want to do a direct wire setup for every vehicle. I'm sure there are trade-offs, but unless the radio is completely unusable, I will probably use the cigarette lighter in my car and wife's car for the time being.