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About WRFS362

  • Birthday July 7

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    Wireless Communications, Biblical hermeneutics, Renewable Energy Technology, Ag Technology, Genealogy, Travel, Electronic Technology, Marketing, Ancient History, Business etc.

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  1. Hello Group! I am sorry to the report that the SGA-650 is off the air due to tower damage due to Hurricane Helene. No ETA as of yet. The other three repeaters seem to be working as I type this message. Thank you for your support... if you have not already please consider supporting the South Georgia GMRS Group found here on myGMRS.com. Thanks, Scott Haner WRfS-362 Sys-op
  2. Please Note! UPDATE! The SGA-575 repeater was experiencing noise issues due to equipment failure with the duplexer (a frequency tuned filter that allows the repeater to transmit and receive at the same time on the same antenna). A new duplexer has been located and it has been configured and installed. The volunteer technical team has resolved the issue. Thanks, Scott Haner WRfS-362 Sys-op
  3. Please Note! UPDATE! The SGA-575 repeater is experiencing noise issues due to equipment failure. A new duplexer has been located is being configured for installation. The volunteer technical team is working on the issue and will resolve as soon as possible. Thanks, Scott Haner WRfS-362 Sys-op
  4. Please Note! The SGA-575 repeater is experiencing noise issues due to equipment failure. The volunteer technical team is working on the issue and will resolve as soon as possible. Thanks, Scott Haner WRfS-362 Sys-op
  5. ATTN: All South Georgia GMRS repeaters are on the air! Antenna work for SGA-700-WEST LOWNDES is now complete! The repeater is now operational. Hope to hear you soon! Thanks, Scott Haner WRFS362
  6. Hi! Sorry... I was just going through the club messages this evening and saw this one I had not responded to. Yes there are a few of the Chinese units out there for sale at low cost. They do work ok but do have some learning curve when it comes to programming. I personally like used commercial Kenwood radios like the TK-863, TK-880, or the TK-8180 which as newer model radio. If you shop you can usually find one at reasonable prices. From time to time the South GA GMRS group has used radios for sale to help offset the cost of keeping up the repeater systems in the are. Thanks, Scott Haner WRFS-362
  7. Hi GMRS users! Say hello to John aka "Rabbit" who is now our new SGA-575 repeater ambassador! John is monitoring the repeater most of the time to welcome or assist GMRS users to the area. Please feed free to call him! John aka "Rabbit" is also monitoring the local ham radio 2 meter repeater on 147.135+ CTCSS 141.3 for those who are licensed amateur radio operators. Please check in with him as your traveling through! John aka "Rabbit" call signs are KE4CQX (amateur radio) WRTG280 (GMRS) Thanks, Scott Haner WRFS362 and KBØY
  8. HELLO... SOUTH GEORGIA GMRS REPEATER USERS! Please note that the SGA-575, SGA-600, and SGA-650 repeaters are on the air and operational! Please note that the new antenna for the SGA-700 repeater has been received in and the tower crew has been scheduled to install the antenna soon. If you have any questions or comments please reach out to me. Thank you for your support! Scott Haner WRFS362
  9. Hey this is PHIL WRWX435.  I would like to join the club.  I live in lake park.  Who and How to contact to join club. Thanks.

  10. Thank you for the repeater access!

  11. All repeaters online but West Lowndes. Still waiting on antenna work to be completed.
  12. All of the South Georgia GMRS repeaters are online except for West Lowndes.  Still wanting on tower work to be completed. 



  13. Do we have any repeaters in the club? I'm hoping to have a rt97 repeater up and running within a month. 20220513_141729.thumb.jpg.31dc0ea75b061f5bc5b1ca5762dc672a.jpg

    1. WRFS362


      Yes, we have four repeater sites in the South Central Georgia area.  The repeater information is available here on myGMRS.com 

  14. Thanks for repeater access.  Looking forward to growing this club and increasing GMRS usage across Southeast Georgia.

    1. WRQS607


      Hey thanks for the repeater access! Looking forward to growing and meeting others!

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