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  1. Lol Gortex, you are literally laughing at me for saying that about the antenna when it was you who suggested it. I literally copy and pasted you. Axorlov, thank you for providing nothing that my first 30 seconds of google searching yielded that led me to post the original question, and sharing a link to some guy complaining that there are too many repeaters? Lol, bro there are none where I am at hence why I want to erect a good one. If you have all the solutions perhaps you can redo the list I made and give a better jumpoff point for people when it comes to K.I.S.S. premised repeaters.
  2. If you have a repeater on the east coast and one on the west coast. How do you connect them via internet to one another so when the east coast repeater receives a signal it gets sent and broadcast from the west coast repeater and vice versa? How would you do it with a Bridgecom Systems bcr-40du? Do they have built in capability for this such as an ethernet port? Also, what service would you use to handle the transmission of the signals as far as the web is concerned?
  3. I'm not too familiar with the systems. Do they make simple amplifiers for gmrs?
  4. I see that some repeaters have them built in.
  5. Is there a simple, plug-and-play way to boost the power going to the antenna in terms of wattage? Perhaps something in the coax line running to the antenna such as a signal amplifier?
  6. So, to sum everything up: - Antenna: Best is an Ed Fong, Premium is a Comscope DB404 approx. $600, and Economy would be a Laird FG Series - Hardline: Comscope/Andrews LDF4-50A approx. $3-$4 per foot - Duplexer: Low port to transmitter, high port to receiver, and middle port to antenna. The duplexer is usually sold separately from the repeater. Approx. $200. - Repeater: Bridgecom BCR40DU. Approx. $1900 (This usually gets programmed to the frequency for the repeater by the factory/dealer) This should be a great starting point for people to build a repeater. I would search cheaper alternatives; although, you can shop for better choices as well. This is a great bit of info to help people build a repeater as simple as possible.
  7. AHA!! So the duplexer was a separate device from the repeater I confused myself as I thought the duplexer was built into the repeater on mygmrs.com the BridgeCom 40du. I went to the manufacturer website and saw the duplexer and it all makes sense. Low to transmitter, high to receiver, and middle to antenna. Now it all makes sense. I will make another post to sum everything up into simple bullet points and ensure I have it down. Again, thank you everyone! This has been extremely helpful!
  8. Gortex2, awesome info! One last thing I am curious about, I see on the back of the BridgeCom 40 DU there is an antenna connection for receiving then a second connection for transmitting. The antenna you shared, DB404, appears to only have one cable connection (unless I am mistaken) so how do I go from one single connection on the antenna to the two respective ports on the repeater? Do you put a splitter on the cable or is there 2 connections on the antenna and the pictures/manual just don't show it? Thank you so much for your help! I will be running the BridgeCom, the LDF4-50A cable, & the DB404; however, I just was confused by the above question.
  9. OffroaderX, I know this is off-topic but I love your channel and used it to learn ALOT on this topic.
  10. So then what is the best way to decode the code realtime and generate a response? A cellular app, a device that goes in between the mic and the radio in the audio line?
  11. Gortex2, I looked at that other post and that was alot of good information you shared! So all that is left are two questions, what antenna would you use and what cable/hardline would you use? Thank you for all of your information so far!!
  12. Hello! I was wondering what the random blurts of Morse code are I pick up. What do people who broadcast this generally use it for? Are there computer decoders you can use or some way of decoding and also sending messages over your system? This is something I've never heard on the radio until recently and I really love it.
  13. Sshannon, gortex2, and WRUU653 I appreciate the feedback! So to sum up a few things and ask a few other questions. 1) There is zero requirement for filing further FCC paperwork because my license already covers repeater capability and it is my choice to list it and research proper frequency as to not disturb other systems, correct? 2) Provided I have excellent elevation, 10-15 mile line-of-sight range, and want to build a large and powerful system say 50 watts or greater, what would a good system be as far as each component I listed above in figure 1 showing the components of a repeater? I LOVE the KISS method and want this to be relatively as easy as possible. So for instance, antenna use this, duplexer use this, etc. (PS I hope this doesn’t come off as bossy or demanding in tone, I ask from a purely learning perspective and will use these answers as a great jump-off point!) I want to do this as proper as possible and want a good functioning system that I may set up and allow people to use in order to grow this whole community. 3) When you say ID-O-Matic, are you referring to the voice you hear at the top of the hour announce the station ID and the time? 4) Looking here at the shopping link, I found this system listed in the link. If I purchase this, what else would I need to make it work? I would need what kind of antenna? Also, just a regular coax cable to connect the two lines and that is it, it is ready to repeat signals? Lastly for this, I would have to research a frequency not interfering with another repeater and send that to this company to program it to, correct? https://shop.mygmrs.com/collections/repeaters-and-accessories/products/bridgecom-systems-bcr-40du-400-470-mhz-uhf-repeater-w-internal-duplexer
  14. Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to read this question and answer it. I do realize that this may be a heavily asked question; however, I am hoping to make the answer more efficient and richer in data so others who find themselves to a similar position may have answers or at least a direction to go in. I am relatively new to the GMRS world and even newer to the repeater side of things so my knowledge is severely limited, at best. Using the forum here to gather information on the topic I found that a simple basic repeater system is composed of the following: 1. Dual-use or Omni antenna for transmitting (TX) and receiving (RX) signals. 2. Feedline or Hardline to connect the antenna to the duplexer. 3. Duplexer 4. Receiver 5. Repeater 6. Transmitter For a visual representation of this system, a great visual will be used from www.repeater-builder.com listed as figure 1. Now that the basic premise of a repeater has been shared, along with my depth of knowledge on the subject, let me pose my question to the greater community: Looking at each of the six enumerated items above, what is a business that sells them (please include a link to their page) and what is the closest you can get to plug-and-play type of system (what model)? Ideally, in as simply a way as possible, how does one build a repeater from scratch without having to endlessly search Ebay or other sites for old transmitters/receivers. I would like to purchase new, with the ability to change my broadcasting power (not be stuck with 10w pre-made systems but rather make a 50w or greater system). Along with having a link to each of the numbered items showing a product and how to connect all of them. Think of this as setting up a computer for your parents who have never seen/used one. Explain here is the printer, it prints things you want and here is a hyperlink to brand X printers. It will use a USB cable to connect to the computer itself and here is a link for each of those. Then so on and so forth. Once all of the information has been gathered and collected, I will repost so it is a simple way to find information and resources to purchase. As of the current time I am looking at how to build the repeater and what it will take to make it work when I flip the switch and not the FCC document submissions…yet. Once the system is built, functioning, and I have made my measurements I then will submit all of the information to the FCC seeking permission to install and “open for business”. Thank you all for your help with this and look forward to all of the information! < Figure 1 courtesy of www.repeater-builder.com
  15. Well thank you for the replies. Do yous have any product recommendations? Also, I understand the alligator example. But do they have any receiving amplification techniques or products out there to boost signals coming in?
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