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  1. Yes, many people do. Keep in mind the non repeater channels are shared with FRS, which does not require a license.
  2. I can only assume that the FCC is aware of this feature. If they are not, it's a major oversight on their part given that this is published in the copy of the manual listed on their own page for it's type acceptance. Interesting though it's listed as menu item # 58 in that copy of the manual, and #60 in the other one I posted...
  3. NA-771G is GMRS specific.
  4. The BTech 50-x1 has a frequency hopping feature, but this requires everyone to be using that radio
  5. Just a little update here, I'm in anchorage being quarantined at a hotel before I go back to the boat. According to this site there's a repeater on 462.700 with a tone of 203.5. I can't seem to get on it, and my scanners aren't picking up any gmrs traffic on any channels. Seems to be pretty quiet around here. Nothing really on CB either. I've been monitoring both services and only had one hit on each service. There does seem to be a little Action on the ham 2m and 70cm bands here and there.
  6. Sadly I'm not here for pleasure... I'm on a 305 foot processing ship, I work in the engine room. I would happily post pictures if the bandwidth of our satilite internet didn't make that sort of thing such a fight! Unfortunately a simple Google search is a fight, that's why I enjoy simple forums like this one!
  7. Currently fishing on the bering sea, don't think I'm going to be talking to anyone out here...
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