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  1. Hi Wayoverthere, Glad you like it too
  2. Hi everybody, Sorry its been awhile and been busy! re:Midland MXT 275, It was a little disappointing to learn that the Midland MXT 275 does not do split tones, so sad to say I shipped back the radio. I called Midland and talked to their technician and confirmed the issues! The repeater I mostly use covered the areas I frequented, same with my family is using split tones. My GMRS purpose is to get a hold of the family member and for the emergency use. The Midland micro mobile is really nice but its no use for my purpose. The Btech Mobile GMRS-50X1 from what I learned is the capable radio. If you have something in mind please let me know. I just purchased TRAM model 1181 140-170/430-470 Mhz Dual band NMO antenna and it has a mag mount. As per description, it is pretuned no need for tuning. I seeking advise it it needs to be tuned as dedicated GMRS antenna. How to do it or send it to someone who is doing it professionally because I have no tools/equipment. Thanks very much!
  3. Hi There, I am very new and just got my license and know nothing about radio comm. I joined the forum to learn more about GMRS and like others out there needs some info and recommendations/suggestions to my newly acquired Midland MXT 275 mobile radio. Please let me know if the small antenna that comes with it is good enough or is there any other antenna compatible to the MXT 275 that will make the radio performance better? I am in the process of requesting access on nearby repeaters and hope they will grant me access. I need your guidance please. Thanks in advance.
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