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About WRCQ487

  • Birthday May 19

Profile Information

  • Name
    WRCQ487 Jay
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    Northwest, IN
  • Interests
    Semi retired.

    Enjoying that RF Life :-) Northwest, IN.

    Using Motorola Equipment for GMRS.

    Motorola MTR2000 50 watt continuous Repeater with backup battery system.
    Celwave 6 Cavity Duplexer 562-4
    Andrew/Commscope DB-420 antenna
    7/8 Hardline
    On top of a 130 foot tower

    9 Motorola CDM1250 Mobile's
    5 Motorola HT1250 Portable's

    You can find me on Zello
    Username Jay (WRCQ487-1)
    Also I don't accept contact request unless you have a GMRS license posted in your Zello profile.

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  1. Thank you for all your help today Jay, it's appreciated. Can you please take a quick look at the images below and tell me if I entered the info in CHIRP correctly? Just want to make sure I have the tones configured right. Thank you! Eric

    Batavia Repeater.png

    Batavia Chirp.png

    1. WRCQ487


      It looks like you have everything programed for the tone and + offset but I have never used chirp or programmed a baofange so I'm probably not much help there. 

    2. WRWI368


      Thanks, just making sure I put the tone in the right place and that it was for Tone Squelch.

    3. WRCQ487


      Sorry but I'm not sure on that. There's a guy on the chain of lakes repeater that is a wiz on the chirp program. I believe he's callsign and name is WRDL342 Moe. I'm sure you could find him on here. 

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