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Everything posted by zap

  1. A 40W M1225 will not perform a 80% transmit duty. One has to understand the way the PA' are built on Motorola radios…they aren't linear. Once you get too far out of spec they saturate and become unstable (running 10W on a 40W creates just as much heat as 25W). Secondly, a GR1225 will only perform at a 80% duty IFF you are running it at its lowest speced power level. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. CDMs use CPS, not RSS. Anyway, put the personality in the scan list and under the personality options (frequency, PL, signaling) there will be an option to add the personality to a scan list. Make sure it is done in both. Then you have two more steps. Make sure you have a scan button assigned and make sure you either have HUB defeats scan disabled or enabled depending on whether or not you are using hang up.
  3. It is. I've had one for about 8 months but mine had a beta firmware. The new one addressed some audio level issues. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Look up the Tecnet TPD-1400 series. Around $400 as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Yes. A 29 May even boot windows 7 if you're wanting an OS still under support (recommended for any internet usage). The bios I'm the 28 doesn't support booting via USB. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. See my help is that I get Simoco gear at cost...their repeaters are all 100% duty (they don't subscribe to the DMR is not for Public Safety BS Motorola puts out). However, most of the agencies I deal with run P25 on either VHF or 7/800 so it literally is more beneficial to me to have VHF P25 equipment (though dealer cost for a new Simoco P25 repeater is still $10,000). GME has a little micro mobile that is available in either a dash mount or remote mount configuration with a basic HHCH (similar to the SRM9010/SDM610 control heads) that features a 25% rated duty (at full power of 25W), is 36% efficient, and has an IP67 rating on the HHCH (versus IP54 on the comparable Simoco SRM9010).Oh, and it's a P25 radio if you didn't pick up on that. Supposed to be around or under $1000.
  7. I dual boot my CF-28 (P3) for XP and DOS. It actually houses all of my Depot software on the XP side... Anyway, the controllers that were stock options (and covered in the Motorola Manuals) will actually program in the GM300 RSS. Now, Zentron had an RSS for non Motorola customers as well (which didn't require the Motorola licensing). Like I said, that manual is available on RBTIP (under the Maxtrac/GM300 page).
  8. Depends. There are actually a ton of "itinerant" pairs that don't require coordination but you are still required to have register a location for a fixed site with the commission. The actual licensing fee is $165 if memory serves correct and can be done without a coordinating body (up to 10 frequencies). Most of the additional fees one might be charged by a coordinator are for their time and effort. Unless you have a good line on used infrastructure (like Quantars) DMR is much cheaper. I haven't officially switched yet (waiting on the licensing/equipment funds) but I've had my eye on a GME mobile new to the U.S. market for the ranch vehicles. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. No. I mean, FreeDOS is opensource DOS…but doesn't currently support Arm architecture Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Check repeater builder for GR300/500 controller programming manuals. If your controller is covered in there, a dual core machine with hardware serial port booted in FreeDOS will work just fine. Some programs Zentron also wrote windows versions of. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Q: What frequency? A: All of them...
  12. Me and some friends had a MDC party in Lubbock about a year ago on the 700 repeater. Another friend has probably 5 radios running MDC on the 600 repeater (though he mostly runs simplex) just outside of Lubbock. K5TLF and I (unfortunately he's not a GMRS op) even have MDC running on 146.600 (just for fun)...then again, TLF is the reason I have mixed mode receive on 146.520 enabled.
  13. My mentality has been changed over the last 6 months or so. I went from having private portable GMRS repeaters to not having any as I really no longer have the need for the service on a family basis (now it is simply another go to and talk service for me) as I've been moving everything family/business related over to VHF P25 primary and DMR UHF secondary. So now if I'm going to put up a GMRS repeater...I'll put up an open repeater and just leave it as is. Scott, nice to see the Saber love (even this morning on Ops Who Use). For those who don't know, Scott is a Saber whore who has probably forgotten more about the Saber than most of us will ever know.
  14. I walk away when you start talking about tubes...
  15. I've usually asked the local Emergency Management Coordinator (usually works for the county) to see if they know of any good (yet zero to no cost) places to start that kind of thing. On the repeater technical side, I've never dealt directly with the CDM series but I do know the receiver on the CM/PM series can get a little warm. Many more modern Motorola radios have pre-drilled holes pilot holes that could be used for a fan on the heatsink.. The GR300/500 repeaters used the Zentron controllers. I have one with an i50r (autopatch) controller but it can also be setup for MDC knockdown (not DOS). On the GR300's, the transmit GM300 has a thermresistor on it which activates a fan (GM300's also back down power based on an internal temperature control). Just some thoughts/ideas for you.
  16. So as suggested in RR...your monitoring receivers are too close to the transmitter and are desensing the radios you are using to test with. You need to separate the radios by about 30 or 40 feet to actually test this or you could lay one radio down on the couch, point the antenna away from you (we are counting on the ~20 dB of attenuation from a horizontally polarized antenna on a vertically polarized system and extra attenuation from directionality) and turn it's volume all the way up and then try again.
  17. MDC on input. Change the input tone (keep the output the same, try dpl and pl combos). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Was only going 300 miles east...but that reminds me, I've now had 3 out of 3 of problems with a rental trailer company so do yourself a favor and buy a trailer, use it, sell it. Much more pleasant experience will await you.
  19. I've got a MTVA amplifier hooked up to a AVA in a Jeep... What that translates to...a 30-35 year old 10 dB amplifier from a MT1000 vehicular adapter hooked up to an Astro Saber Vehicular Adapter. Of course that's a VHF only setup. Mirage amps (MFJ Enterprises) sells a 2m/70cm HT amp (I don't actually remember the TA on amplifiers). I want a KX3...but they aren't um...budget friendly. Look up Flex Radios. They have SDR radios that may finally have an IP interface for remote site use.
  20. I've seen that somewhere (same post you've probably seen mine). A3 and W3s don't have built in speakers. Don't think it's built in on the O3 either. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Well, I finically finished moving this weekend…storage shed is all cleaned out. Had enough room for my DB-404 and Sinclair fiberglass antenna…had to get creative with the 420 for the move. http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160127/af1061ff39af000cdfe10fe4521a551f.jpg Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I know where a mint Micor station is sitting…100W with cans at a condemned site in Dallas. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Makes sense. I though about "talking" my way onto the tower Custer County SO uses for a QRP repeater. Site has LOS to Monarch pass, Pikes Peak, most of the Wet Mountain valley, Pueblo, the Springs, and possibly Walsenburg. Think I had a design for it at one point that only required a 7W setup on a DB413.
  24. Awesome. I've been gathering some info about a feature I found hidden in the Simoco Xd series radios called simple repeater. Basically allows you to convert a mobile into a "simplex" repeater in DMR that uses one TS for RX and the other for TX (so it seeming works in full duplex without the need for duplexers or anything else) even though it receives and rebroadcasts. Anyway...back to analog subjects of GMRS.
  25. Can't the MTR be upgraded to TRBO? (Side question, not that it relates to GMRS). Anyway, that's always lovely...I've been working on a proposal for a school district that wants a (conventional) voting system for their PSO/admins because they can hear the now 18 year old repeater just fine but can't access it from a portable. Sad part is I also quoted them less than $3000 difference for a Simoco DMR Tier II system with enough new portables for the PSO/admins to get started with.
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