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About FranktheTank

  • Birthday September 1

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    South Texas
  • Interests
    Radios, RC Airplanes, IT, Cyber Security, RVing, Boating

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  1. Welcome Mark!!! The 550 traffic you are hearing is probably Deer Medows https://mygmrs.com/repeater/6958 Not sure if you have tried reaching the Alamo New Braunfels https://mygmrs.com/repeater/6536 That coverage map is a little conservative, I know I've hit the repeater from my 50w mobile in my truck all the way to the Austin Airport. If you're interested in setting up a repeater and joining our linked network, we'd be happy to help in any way. http://www.alamocitygmrs.com/supermon/index.php
  2. Hi Sam, Yes, we are a network of linked repeaters so, when someone it transmitting on say the Live Oak (NE) Repeater, all the other repeaters and nodes connected to the hub are also broadcasting that transmission. You can look at our status page and see what repeaters are connected and when someone is transmitting. http://www.alamocitygmrs.com/supermon/link.php?nodes=1510,1512,1513,1680,1684
  3. James, Shoot me a email at WRKG475 AT gmail. I maintain the Alamo City GMRS HUB and can help you get setup for the repeaters once you have your license.
  4. That Alamo575 site is hosting some RF Uplinks for the new repeaters so Jon took the 575 offline to avoid interfering with the RF link radios. He's pretty busy with real life but he'll get around to updating his website. I also removed the Cibolo725 since I'm hosting a RF link and was completely covered up by the NE and NW repeaters.
  5. Added our 6th Repeater, the Media Lake 675 is now connected!! Also note, the LaVernia550 is now the LaVerina600 and was upgraded to Bridgecom 40W 100% duty cycle repeater. Still some bugs in the local RF audio but still very usable and seems to be performing better then the previous repeater setup.
  6. Local net tonight at 7pm!! If you are in the Alamo City area and use the repeater system, join in and get your questions answered and learn what's happening with the network!
  7. The linking is just like Voice over IP VOIP and uses very little bandwidth. A cellular hotspot should work fine as long as there is decent 4g coverage. Many of us use use them to run mobile hotspot nodes. You will occasionally experience packet loss while driving if you get in more rural areas with limited coverage. I'm not 100% sure the board you linked works with US carriers but there are plenty of mobile hotspot devices that are cheaper, so service providers may include one with a plan and service agreement. I think more or less, it comes down to cost and if the repeater owner wants to pay the monthly service cost.
  8. I have not set up any Zello type connections to the HUB. If we ever decide that's the way to go, it will be listen only since Zello can bring some potential issues with the repeaters not timing out and potentially burn up a transmitter on a linked repeater. Hopefully your base set up gets you connected. If not, maybe you would consider setting up a repeater in Micro, assuming you have reliable internet.
  9. I haven't gotten around to getting the Cibolo 725 repeater antenna mounted on the roof so coverage isn't all that great. That said, I think a repeater in Zorn would be great and help fill in some gaps from the LaVernia550, Cibolo, and hopefully soon, the New Braunfels 700. If you need help, send me a email wrkg475 at gmail. We've got a good group of knowledgeable folks that are always willing to lend a hand.
  10. What is the file format for the audio file you are trying to play? Asterisk requires it to be a gsm file, it will not play wav or mp3 files.
  11. WRAL242 Troy TX 462.675 Tone 141.3 RX 467.675 Tone 141.3
  12. There's a repeater in Troy that has a lot of coverage. I can hear it most of the way down 36 between Belton and Gatesville. I start hearing it where 130 meets 35 but not fully clear until the 35 rest stop. Never had any luck with the Oglesby repeater.
  13. Larry, We'd love to add a N.B. Repeaters to our group. Let us know if need or want any assistance getting set up. We've got a pretty good group with a lot of diversity in knowledge.
  14. Bob, Keep an eye out for a San Marcos repeater soon. And of course, if you are interested an setting up a Bastrop station, we are here to help. Sounds like you have the antenna already!
  15. Try the Leon Valley 650 repeater. Play around with your antenna placement. Just moving it a few feet the right direct can make the difference when you are using less than ideal antenna setup. http://1510.node.gmrslive.com/supermon/index.php
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