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Posts posted by WRKS279

  1. Well, today I passed my Technician and General exams for Ham license. When they told me I passed the General also, my mouth dropped open and all I could say was "WOW!" :o  LoL


    I knew a few weeks ago I wanted to at least get my Technician license. And, I did order the book and got started studying for it. Along the way, I heard some folks on Facebook saying they wished they'd gone for the General too. Others said they hadn't studied for it, but were given the opportunity to take the test, and only missed by 2 or 3 questions. So, given the much increased communication privileges of the General, I decided to try to go for both of them. What a glutton for punishment! I was about 1/2 through my Technician book when I stumbled onto Ham Radio Prep and HamStudy.org. I signed up for the  Technician/General package at Ham Radio Prep and started in. I found that liked working that way through the material better than the book. Also, I found the review tools at HamStudy were very good. Very helpful. It wasn't long before I was passing my Technician practice exams in the 80-90% ranges. :) At that point I moved on to the General studies via Ham Radio Prep. Gotta say, I was studying about as hard as I did back in my college days for a Final exam. I was even turning off the TV to really dig in!! :angry:  LoL Even so, I sure didn't have the same confidence in the General material. Oh that math was messing me up. Never was that good in it, and this stuff, and their combining formulas, was making my head spin. On my first General practice exam I think I just got a 45%. Ugh! A few days later I tried again and happened to just squeeze out a 75%. "Okay, maybe this is doable." Mostly, the last couple days, I just finished the Ham Radio Prep material, and then I used the HamStudy tool to just keep reviewing, capturing my wrong answers to review the correct ones, and repeat. Actually, some of it was even making more sense to me! B)  So, this morning when exam day came, I felt better, but I was still quite unsure of the General. Boy! I didn't figure on the stress of having 3 people watching me taking my exams! :huh:  As I worked though the Technician exam I could hear myself thinking, "Take it easy. Don't mess this up. Relax. Go back and check." Ha! I passed the Technician, and it was on to the General. I knew it all depended on what group of questions I got from the pool. It could go either way. I was less sure on the General, that's certain. But, as I reviewed my answers, I thought perhaps I had a chance. I clicked that Submit button and held my breath. Shortly afterward I heard the moderator saying, "Well, you passed your General." :o  :o  I mean, my mouth literally dropped open, my eyes opened wide with amazement, and all I could say was "Wow! Wow! Wow!"


    So, looks like I'm a Ham now. My sister said, "A ham for a Ham!" LoL Oh, I just ordered a better HT too. ;-)

  2. Okay, I live in Maple Grove Minnesota, a suburb of the Twin Cities area. I am GMRS licensed (WRKS279). I would like to participate in the weekly myGMRS Net meetings but I don't know how. As far as I can tell there aren't any GMRS repeaters in my area that can reach the Midwest GMRS repeater, node #169 which is over in Illinois..


    So, I don't understand how this works. Do we have to have a repeater in our area that is strong enough to reach the Illinois Midwest repeater? Or, is this "connection" somehow done through the Internet? Can someone please clarify how I can participate in the weekly MyGMRS Net meetings?

  3. Hi all, need some clarification for base power requirements. Guy in a Facebook group thought I could only run my BTech 50X1 at 15 watts for base. I did a google search and found this citing at Cornell Law.



    I guess the question goes to what's the difference between a "base station" and a "fixed station(s)"? Anyone got the goods on this? Thx

    Think I found my answer at: https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/47/95.303

    Base station. A station at a fixed location that communicates directly with mobile stations and other base stations.

    Fixed station. A station at a fixed location that directly communicates with other fixed stations only.


    I think the important lingo there is "communicates with other fixed stations only." :)  So, a mobile radio attached to a power supply used as a Base that is communicating to other mobile units can definitely transmit at 50 watts. Do I have agreement??

  4. Hi all, need some clarification for base power requirements. Guy in a Facebook group thought I could only run my BTech 50X1 at 15 watts for base. I did a google search and found this citing at Cornell Law.


    (a) 462/467 MHz main channels. The limits in this paragraph apply to stations transmitting on any of the 462 MHz main channels or any of the 467 MHz main channels. Each GMRS transmitter type must be capable of operating within the allowable power range. GMRS licensees are responsible for ensuring that their GMRS stations operate in compliance with these limits.

    (1) The transmitter output power of mobile, repeater and base stations must not exceed 50 Watts.

    (2) The transmitter output power of fixed stations must not exceed 15 Watts.


    I guess the question goes to what's the difference between a "base station" and a "fixed station(s)"? Anyone got the goods on this? Thx


  5. I stumbled onto this video on YouTube tonight about the WLW radio station that for a few years in the early 1940's ran with 500,000 watts of power.




    It was so powerful that it covered about 3/4 of the United States, and extended considerably into Canada. In fact, Canada filed a complaint because it just overpowered one of its own beloved stations. WLW had to setup two suppressor towers to decrease their reach in that particular direction. Its quite a fascinating video. Enjoy.

  6. Stay on rpt19 (27), it should already be set with the right frequencies and offset (though given the answer in the other thread about theirs coming unprogrammed, it doesn't hurt to check if you haven't already), r-ctc and t-ctc will both be 141.3. your settings should be good from there it pretty much boils down to if you're getting enough signal to the repeater.


    From there, look at the antenna...if you haven't already, mag mounts generally want to stick to something to have a good ground plane...top of a steel file cabinet or a pizza pan will do. Next, how's line of sight from antenna to repeater? With only 5 watts, obstruction is going to matter more.


    If your setup checks out there, I'd say stick the antenna on the car, and head closer to the repeater...see if it works closer in and/or less obstructed. If so, your settings are good, and better antenna location (or better antenna) and/or more power are the next steps.

    I'm starting to think we need to get an "Open" GMRS repeater setup for the NW Twin Cities area. Couple of options...


    Two Wouxon KG1000G units (about $640) at 50 watts. Or, the Retevis RT97 GMRS at 10 watts for #399. Other thoughts??

  7. Okay, yep. That's what I'm doing...staying on RPT19 (27) and both r-ctc and t-ctc are set to 141.3. So, next step is to take that drive. I'll give it a go tonight after work. Thanks!

    Oh! @wayoverthere, it does say "Permission Required" for that repeater (its run out of the University of Minnesota, St. Paul). Don't know how you get the "permission." I tried the contact on the repeater info but haven't heard a peep.

  8. Stay on rpt19 (27), it should already be set with the right frequencies and offset (though given the answer in the other thread about theirs coming unprogrammed, it doesn't hurt to check if you haven't already), r-ctc and t-ctc will both be 141.3. your settings should be good from there it pretty much boils down to if you're getting enough signal to the repeater.


    From there, look at the antenna...if you haven't already, mag mounts generally want to stick to something to have a good ground plane...top of a steel file cabinet or a pizza pan will do. Next, how's line of sight from antenna to repeater? With only 5 watts, obstruction is going to matter more.


    If your setup checks out there, I'd say stick the antenna on the car, and head closer to the repeater...see if it works closer in and/or less obstructed. If so, your settings are good, and better antenna location (or better antenna) and/or more power are the next steps.

    Okay, yep. That's what I'm doing...staying on RPT19 (27) and both r-ctc and t-ctc are set to 141.3. So, next step is to take that drive. I'll give it a go tonight after work. Thanks!

  9. On your radio the TX/Output should be 467

    The RX/Input should be 462.

    Check the stock repeater memories.


    If these are the setting from the repeater's point of view. the repeater is accessing your TX as the input 467.

    Then the repeater will broadcast the signal output it on 462.


    All Duplex traffic from a radio is on 467 and listen/receive on 462.

    Hope that makes sense.




    Sorry, I don't understand yet. RPT19 (Channel 27) is 467.6500. Channel 19 is 462.6500.

    So, do I set RPT19 with T-CTC = 141.3 , and Channel 19 with R-CTC = 141.3 ?

    If you programmed repeater correctly, you should be able to "kerchunk" it. It is frowned upon practice, and for a good reason (it is illegal to transmit without ID, and it's annoying as hell), but if you do it once/twice nobody will notice. Hopefully...

    It goes like this: press PTT for one second, and listen for a "repeater tail" - bit of static or roger beep. If you hear it - good, you are in.




    Yea, I'm not hearing that. So, apparently didn't get it setup correctly. I'm trying to connect to the "Metro 4" repeater.


    Output: 462.650 MHz   141.3 Hz
    Input: 467.650 MHz   141.3 Hz


    I understand this to be RPT19. I have my T-CTC = 141.3, and my R-CTC = 141.3


    But, if I key it I don't hear the "kerchunk" :( Not sure what I'm doing wrong.

  11. Okay, I'm a new GMRS user (WRKS279) in Maple Grove Minnesota.  :)  I have a little Wouxun KG-805G. A nice little handheld with 5watts of power. Still, I'm not hearing much as I leave it on scanner mode through the day. Sometimes it stops and I hear a partial conversation (usually Ch 15). But, if I try to call out on that channel...nothing.  :(  I just got a Nagoya UT-72 antenna for it, with the adapter to use it with my Wouxun. I just have it sitting near the window inside my little home office. But, I'm still not hearing any activity. Today, I was practicing calling out to see if I could connect with someone. Still nothing. So, I'm wondering...are there just so few people using GMRS? Or, is my reach still so poor I cannot connect with those who do?  :huh:  Thoughts? Do I need to step up my antenna to like a Harvest BC200 mounted outside? Or, would it help to get a 50 watt mobile for my home shack? Would I get more activity with that?


    I'd like to participate in the Midwest Net, but I don't know if I have equipment that would allow me to connect with the closest midwest repeater (169). Supposedly, the "Metro 4" repeater run out of the University of Minnesota covers out to my area in the suburbs. But, I still don't hear any activity on that repeater channel (RPT 19). Even if I did have connect reach, would I use that repeater to somehow connect with the Midwest net 169? If so, how? Thanks for any help you can give!

  12. Hi Corey, appreciate your wise advice on making smart moves. ;)  Okay, I'm a new GMRS user (WRKS279) in Maple Grove Minnesota. I have a little Wouxun KG-805G. A nice little handheld with 5watts of power. Still, I'm not hearing much as I leave it on scanner mode. Sometimes it stops and I hear a partial conversation. But if I try to call out on that channel (usually Ch 15)...nothing. I just got a Nagoya UT-72 antenna for it, with the adapter to use with my Wouxun. I just have it sitting near the window inside my little home office. I'm still not hearing anything. Today, I was practicing calling out to see if I could connect with someone ("This is WRKS279, Whisky Romeo Kilo Sierra 279, beaming from Maple Grove Minnesota on GMRS band 15. WRKS279, CQ hello? Listening" variations repeated multiple times ). Still nothing. So, I'm wondering if there are just so few people using GMRS? Or, is my reach still so poor I cannot connect with those who do? Thoughts? Do I need like a Harvest BC200 mounted outside? Would it help to get a 50 watt mobile for my home shack?


    I'd like to participate in the Midwest Net, but I don't know if I have equipment that would ever allow me to connect with the closest midwest repeater (169). Supposedly, the "Metro 4" repeater run out of the University of Minnesota covers out to my area in the suburbs. Would I use that to connect with the Midwest net 169? If so, how? Thanks for any help you can give! :)

  13. I've got a GMRS handheld radio (Wouxun KG-805G), which I'm licensed for, and a BaoFeng UV-82HP dual band (for listening only). Have been watching some vids tonight on RFI interference, and I'm guessing my home office is not a good place for listening (see attached picture - sorry no pic, tried, tried, and tried again, but no).


    To put it lightly! Yikes! Not ony do I have this jumble of power chords, multiple external drives, printer and LED light, but there are computers on both sides of this with multiple monitors each. I'm beginning to wonder if I should be wearing shielded clothing! LoL

    What are your suggestions for getting good reception for my handhelds?

  14. See bold below. That's what I'm still confused about. Am I tuned to (have the radio set to) Ch 19 (which the radio calls 19) or Rpt 19 (which the radio calls 27)? Do I do both transmit and receive while the radio is set to RPT19 (27)??


    Slightly, yeah. Both channel 19, you'll receive on 462.650. on simplex (gmrs19, radio to radio), you also transmit on that frequency.

    For duplex (rpt19, radio to repeater to radio), the radio is programmed to transmit 5mHz higher (467.650), which is where a repeater would be listening. The repeater transmits back on 462.650 (where you're listening).

  15. I never could find any repeater frequencies on my 805.  I did the YouTube thing and stopped short of calling the place I purchased it from.  I bought the recommended cable and down loaded Wouxsun's software.  I'm happy now, super easy to program and name separate channels with all the specific parameters needed.  I don't think the repeater channels were preprogrammed into my radio. There were none labeled RPT nor any spaces beyond  ch22.

    Unfortunately, there appears to be no option for Mac OS users. :(

  16. The base simplex channels (1-22) and repeater (23-30) are preloaded. The channel named "rpt19" (it will be preset 27)is the one that equates to a 462.650 output.


    Tune to that channel using the channel knob or arrows, then hit menu. Scroll to "t-ctc and hit menu again, and use the arrows or channel knob to scroll through the list to the appropriate ctcss code. Hit menu to confirm....you can also go back a couple options in the menu and set "r-ctc" as well using the same method, if you want to filter incoming traffic to the repeater only. Hit exit, and you should be good to go.

    Thanks much, that's very helpful!


    Now, I'm confused about something. Their Output is on 462.650. I'm assuming that would be the receiving frequency? If I look for that range on the GMRS frequencies chart that looks like around GMRS channel 19 (462.6500). Whereas "RPT19" looks to be in the 467.6500 range. Am I missing something?

  17. Hi, I just got a Wouxun KG-805G, and I'm wondering how to set it to receive a local repeater channel. The output for the "Metro 4" repeater in the Twin Cities is  Output: 462.650 MHz (Sponsored by The Gopher Amateur Radio Club at The University of Minnesota). I am confused about how to enter this frequency on my 805G, since it doesn't have a keypad (I don't think I can use Chirps as I have Mac OS). Can someone give me a bit of instruction please?

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