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mikebrown58 last won the day on February 25 2021

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  1. OK, thanks for the pointers. Without the cable, it's a bit hard to set this up. I am able to scan a specific set of channels (Under Group 1) by using settings 33 & then 43. I'm sure the software will be more intuitive and easier to set up multiple group scan lists. Just have to wait for BTWR did get the cable in again. The radio and the cable are sold almost immediately when they come in.
  2. Hello: Question for any Wouxon KG-1000G owners (or other models with scan group functionality) . The manual states you can assign channels to separate scan groups and then scan just one of the assigned groups (as opposed to all). While I am able to assign channels to different scan groups, I don't see in the manual or settings how to activate scanning of a specific channel group. P.S. I do not yet have the programming cable for the software (out of stock everywhere). Any help or guidance would be appreciated! Regards, Mike WRKT553
  3. As others have noted in their replies, the fan noise is less likely to be an issue when mobile in a vehicle. Especially with the ability to mount the radio away from the dash/front passenger area by using the detachable face and long extension cable. For my situation and others who plan to use it as a base, the fan noise will be noticeable when transmitting. That may still not bother some owners, but I wanted to share the behavior here in this forum given the radio appears to be popular. It’s a really nice radio with a ton of features and I’m very happy with the purchase (albeit don’t like the fan behavior). When speaking with support at BTWR, I requested they push my feedback up the chain and inquire about the possibility of a FW upgrade/fix. At a minimum, they should clarify the manual and other marketing material regarding the fan. In a nutshell, it is only “partially” configurable. It’s either on all the time or every time you PTT (even when the radio is cold) Thanks for the many replies. Much appreciated. Mike WKRT553
  4. Thanks. Some other owners have reported the same behavior and a request for a firmware fix has been submitted to Buytwowayradios. Their customer service (US Based) is very responsive and everything else about the radio is excellent.
  5. Thanks for the reply Jack. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of real estate in the office area where the radio is located and I would have to move the power supply as well. At first I thought the fan noise was coming from the power supply, but after a few minutes I realized it was the radio. Power supply is whisper quiet. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  6. Thanks for the reply Michael. Was hoping it was some kind of a setting bug, but guess not. For a radio of this caliber (cost), it’s disappointing to hear a relatively loud fan noise with every push of the PTT.
  7. Question for any other owners of the Wouxon KG-1000G radio. I recently got one and have it set up as a base with a 30amp power supply. All is working fine, however the Fan on the KG-1000G turns on instantly every time the PTT is used to transmit, "even after the radio is just powered up". Per the manual, it says there are 3 options for setting the Fan. One of them (default setting) says the fan turns on "when the temperature of the radio is high during transmit". That's what mine is set to. That would appear to indicate the fan "would not" turn on immediately after powering the radio on, right? There is another fan setting that turns the fan on "when transmitting". That is how the radio appears to be acting. It's almost as if there is a bug in the radio with the default fan setting. Looking for confirmation from other owners that their unit operates in a similar fashion...or not. I have asked Buytwowayradios to confirm this as well. Thanks in advance!
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