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  1. The circle for my repeater is about 8 to 10 miles shorter than it was on the old web site . My repeater has a normal range of 30 miles to a mobile . When conditions are good it is 50 miles to a mobile. The web site now is hard to navigate or use unlike the old one that was easy . WRFC958
  2. I have 4 TK 880-1 RADIOS . They are great radios for GMRS
  3. About a foot above your TV antenna will work fine for your radio . Thats how I have mine for the last 5 years now .
  4. There's a new repeater 70 miles from my repeater in Kaufman on the same frequency .625 with the same pl tone 136.5 that ID's about every 10 minutes . It interferes. with guys using my repeater and our Tuesday night net . Not sure what can be done about it if anything . My repeater has been up and running fine for the last four years with no problems what so ever till now . I have tried to contact the owner WRBQ478 with no response . Anybody got any ideas ?
  5. Thanks for sharing that . My RT97 is mounted in a box on the side of it's tower in the Texas sun . I tested it buy talking to a motormouth that lives in the next town 15 miles away in 105 deg summer heat . He talks nonstop sometimes for 9 to 12 minutes without unkeying . I did put an air vent in it's box made from pvc pipe that came out top and turned down to keep the rain out . It's been up and working fine for 2 years now with no problems . It is at 70' with a 30 mile range to a mobile . I am well pleased with it .
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