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Everything posted by wrci350

  1. Not a member, and this is not an endorsement, but you might want to check this out: https://www.attica575.com/ Not sure what you mean by a "GMRS group", but I thought you might find it interesting.
  2. The DJ-MD5 is a DMR radio, but it works just fine as an analog radio too. However, I see "IP54" on several websites where you can buy one, yet the owner's manual states: "We don't guarantee any IP grade of this product." So perhaps that's a disqualifier. My apologies. Another option would be the Alinco DJ-500TB, which has the same form factor as the MD5 (same batteries, etc.) but is analog-only. It also really IS IP54; even says so in the manual. I didn't recommend it originally since it's harder to find. I got mine from HRO and it was a special-order item. They still have it on their website so my guess is that it is still available. https://www.hamradio.com/detail.cfm?pid=H0-016057 This is a Part 90 radio, which is what you would need. There is also another version of the DJ-500T that is amateur bands only, which would not meet your requirements.
  3. I know you said you didn't need digital, but I believe the Alinco DJ-MD5XT checks all your boxes and is half the price of the Yaesu. I have the older version and it's a nice radio.
  4. I do not have personal experience with any of those antennas, but I can offer a few general comments. 1) Tram is regarded by many as being bottom of the barrel for antennas. Comet and Diamond, while being "amateur-grade" are definitely a step up. 2) Note that #3 is not only single band but also narrow bandwidth and will need to be adjusted (trimmed) for GMRS. 3) I'm not sure if a yagi is the right solution for you. Yagis are directional antennas. If there is *one* repeater you want to hit, then that would work. Otherwise you'll need a rotator so you can point it in the direction of whatever you are trying to talk to. Additionally, the one you have listed is narrow bandwidth, tuned for only part of the 2m and 70cm ham bands. If it won't work well on 440-450 it's going to be even worse on GMRS.
  5. Certainly not the only option, but a good one: https://www.theantennafarm.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=342_343_347_993_1410 Thesa are made wtih LMR-400UF (Ultra Flexible) so easy to work with and come with N connectors.
  6. Don't believe SWR readings on HT antennas. The radio and the person holding it form the ground plane of the antenna system. Disconnecting the antenna and hooking it to an SWR meter will not give you an accurate reading.
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