So, while I have seen many threads on this, this is the first time I am posting. Since I have been reviewing the various threads and watched the videos (as I had time while uploading an updated DMR contact list to one of my radios), it seems that everything is focused on the linking but very few people seem to be mentioning the prohibited communications portion as to what the message was that was being sent over this system. This seems like it should be a key point regardless of how one may feel about linking systems. Right or wrong, that type of prohibited communciation as listed in 95.333/ 95.1733 is what drew the unwanted attention of whoever got this network noticed.
Also, in regards to linking, it seems many focus their review on a little too late in the clause. The first part is "Operation of a GMRS station with a telephone connection is prohibited, as in 95.349... 95.349 states this would be defined as connected to the public switch network, which is then defined in 47 CFR 20.3.
If you are not using a telephone connection for the link, such as Comcast/Xfinity cable internet, this clause does not apply as it does not meet the definition of public switch. So, are people simply not digging into the definitions properly? I have to daily since I write Federal contracts for my day job. Or, do most of the links use the phone network for some reason that I am missing? I just assumed most of these were connected by an internet link where Cable was being used. Obviously, part of that probably revolves around the availability of these services but it just seems in most places I have been, cable tends to be more prevalent than any decent cell connection that I would rely on for a linking service.
If you are using a telephone connection, that is the only time the second part of the clause would come into play. Just my thoughts, I know I am still weak on the technicalities of the various connections but I do know how to read the CFR.