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Posts posted by Shriekmau

  1. My wife might have lowered my "high expectations". She is not exactly keen on having a tower in our yard. I live on 3/4 of an acre, so not too big, subdivision, no HOA though. Still, if neighbors complain I would have to take it down and I don't want to put all that time and effort into building a tower just to be told I had to remove it.


    I am thinking my best bet is to put the antenna on the side of the house, like a satellite dish mount. This is going to severely reduce my range, but at least it will be something to play with. Since a repeater would not be very usable at that elevation, I am wondering if I shouldn't just build a base station instead with a high gain Yagi antenna.


    Really stinks cause I purchased the omni antenna yesterday... Got a good deal on a 7dB gain Laird fiberglass, paid $150. But for the same price I could have gotten a 10dB gain Yagi. Then put it on a pole with a rotor and used a ground plane to hone in on signals.


    Am I starting to give up on the repeater too soon? Do I have other options available to a hobbyist that I am not aware of? I don't have any more ideas right now, my little newbie brain lacks experience with this.

  2. Ok, so to my next question: Directional or omnidirectional? I am trying to cover as much area as possible so I assume omnidirectional is best for my application unless I plan on building an array, which I do not.

  3. I asked how much he would take for just the Celwave. He wants $25 for it. Regardless of whether or not it has the cables or needs to be tuned, that price is a steal! Of course I told him I would buy it. Looks like I just need to get my radios, wire, and antenna.


    Any recommendations?

    Now that I have a duplexer I am thinking of getting a DB400 series antenna. I have been looking at the 404, 408, and 420 if I can get a used one for a good price.


    I have decided to take another approach to building this repeater. I am going to build from the antenna down. I will slowly buy my antennas choosing the right ones. I now have a decent duplexer and my buddy says he is pretty sure he can tune it.


    Correct me if I am wrong, but what I glean is: height, antenna, and leadwires are the most important components in any base station or repeater. The radios are important and getting good quality is necessary, but the best radio on the market will be crippled with poor antennas and leads.

  4. Well, it looks like the local guy has a Ritron Responder with Celwave 633-6A-2 duplexer. Has notch filter but can't find the power cord. No cables or antenna included. Asking $100.00. Does anyone know anything about these?


    post-20-0-23737200-1376944890_thumb.jpg post-20-0-83262700-1376944890_thumb.jpg

  5. Understood, thanks to you both.


    I have access to several spectrum analyzers, don't know the brands off hand, and a digital frequency generator. When the time comes I will talk to a buddy of mine who works for the same company I do. I work in VoIP engineering and he works in RF engineering for a wireless company. I am trying to learn more about radio as I am interested in it as a hobby.


    The repeaters I have been looking at on ebay do not have duplexers, yes. However, I do not know if the one the local guy has uses a duplexer. I should be getting more information on that soon.


    I am trying to use this forum and do things on my own rather than bugging my friend all the time. Don't want to be a nuisance.  :D

  6. Sorry haven't been active over the last few days, life has been in the way.


    btech: A local guy from this site actually has a repeater he took down and is looking to get rid of. I will be checking his out in the next few days, but if it doesn't fit my needs I might need to look into your posting if it isn't already sold.


    unit997: Thank you for offering up assistance. I will definitely be tapping into the wealth of knowledge available in this forum! I just purchased a larger antenna for my mobile (15 inch). Getting a lot better reception but haven't really been able to test out my transmit. My output on the kg-uvd1p is 5W VHF and 4W UHF. I would imagine I should be able to get at least a mile out of it under the right conditions.


    As for the repeater I will be looking at locally: It appears to be a 10W, but I should be able to cover the local area pretty good with the right cable and antenna. I would like to get my antenna up in the air a good bit (70-100 ft), but I am not sure how to safely do that in a residential environment. I do not know the brand yet as I just spoke with him today, and I do not know if the antenna will come with it or if I will need to get my own.


    I also don't know if I should go the duplexer route or run dual antennas. If I can tie a mic into the system, would I also be able to use the repeater as a base station to communicate from?  :huh:

  7. Thanks for the extra information! Not necessarily interested in something I need a dealer to make changes. I like to tinker and would rather be able to do it myself. Having a locked down unit is definitely not something I am looking for.

  8. Hi Everyone,


    I am very new to GMRS. I received my FCC license (want to be compliant) and purchased a Wouxun KG-UVDP1 mobile handheld unit. The range is OK for a handheld and quality seems good. I like the ability to program several channels as well as the manual mode to dial in frequencies.


    Unfortunately, I live in a rural area and the nearest repeater is approximately 30 miles away. I am in Florida so the terrain is rather flat, but the foliage is heavy. Obstructions are definitely an issue here and I know there is no way I can link up with that repeater from my home (not in a million years with my handset).


    I want to build a repeater station of my own. I don't want to spend an arm and a leg on it, but I would like it to work fairly well. I am fairly good with electronics/computers and have a very basic understanding of RF properties. I don't mind buying a part here and a part there, but would like something I can operate inside my house (I understand the antenna will be outside). I would like to utilize the full 50W allowance I have under my license in order to maximize broadcast range. Again, I am in a rural area. I know this will not help me if someone is not capable of transmitting back.


    I have been looking at the GR300, GM300 Radius in repeater configuration, and the M120 in repeater configuration. One concern I have is the availability of replacement parts and future proofing. Since these units are no longer sold I am worried about "future proofing". I understand things change, products enter and leave the market, but should something break I would like replacement parts to be available.


    Ultimately I am looking to those of you who are more experienced than I. Can you recommend a path to take with this and/or equipment to use. I know there have been recommendations in other topics on this forum, but none of those scenarios matched mine. Hoping to get some good information!



    Thanks in advance!

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