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  1. I want to thank WAYOVERTHERE for the recommendation of the Midland Micro Mobile Antenna my SWR is now at 1.2 on the above frequency. Thank you again you saved me!!
  2. WAYOVERTHERE I just ordered the Midland antenna
  3. I am transmitting on 467.725 I hope that help but I am finding most duel band only are rated to 450hz
  4. Is there anything else beside the Antenna that can cause High SWR ? Wayoverthere you said most likely the ones I was using duel band ant. which is true do you think using a strickly UHF ant is a better Idea ?
  5. I am sorry for the lack of information as I am fairly new to this grms world but yes WAYOVERTHERE is correct I am using a BTECH GMRS 50X1 the Antennas I have used were all purchased from amazon This is the last one UAYESOK VHF UHF NMO Antenna L-Bracket Vehicle Radio Antenna Roof NMO Mount Dual Band 144/430MHz NMO Antenna W/13ft/4M RG58 Coax Cable this had an SWR of 2.5 , Bingfu Vehicle Ham Radio Mobile Radio Antenna Dual Band VHF UHF 136-174MHz 400-470MHz Amateur Radio Low Profile NMO Mount Antenna for Car Truck Ham Radio Mobile Radio Two Way Radio Marine VHF Radio This one was 1.9 and lastly YS TCJ-N1 Dual Band NMO 144Mhz/430Mhz Mobile FM Transceiver 2M/70cm Antenna with 13 ft RG58 Coax Cable NMO to UHF PL259 Connector for Yaesu Kenwood HYT Vertex Icom Mobile Radios swr 2.5 Last night I looked at the Tram 1180 Dual Band NMO Mount Antenna (144-148/430-450 MHz)
  6. I need recommendations for an antenna I have purchased three of them and 2 of them give me an SWR reading of 2.4 and the third gives me a reading of 1.9 the radio manufacturer wants to see 1.5 or less. and recommendations I will heed Thanks
  7. Thank you Guys I got it set up
  8. I guess my problem might be I put it in channel slot 31 instead of modifying ch 30 is That correct?
  9. also I am using a windows laptop
  10. ok guys I have to set the repeater channel to rx 462.725 and Tx on 467.725 with a pl of 141.3 this is a Btech 50X1 Thank you
  11. This chirp software is not dummy old guy friendly I am having a huge issue trying to add a repeater channel that is split tx/ RX with ccts can one give me a step by step how to add the channel? Thank you
  12. the keypad on the mike lights up , the screen lights up but its blank
  13. I just fired this new radio up tonight and low and behold I have a blank screen. My question is do I need to connect to chirp software to make this this work or did I do something wrong during my install?
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