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  1. @markskjerve Most the gmrs repeaters around my area id but the id of the repeater doesn't include the ctcss tone or dcs tone with the id. So most people never hear the id. The repeater you are talking about might be doing the same thing. Do you hear a id from the repeater if you listen to the repeater channel without a ctcss or dcs enabled?
  2. @BoxCar never heard of repeaters around my area doing the squelch tail . I know what it sounds like Guess thats kinda of a poor man's couresty tone.
  3. Yes not any commerical repeaters I know have it. I can see in everyday commerical radio traffic it could get very boring hearing it after every transmission. They usually have lots of radio traffic in a given day or week.
  4. Was wondering what are people's take or opinion about a couresty tone on a gmrs repeater? I know some have it and some don't. I myself like the couresty tone on a repeater helps to let the next person know when the last have finished transmitting. Also leaves some time between transmission incase somebody with a emergency needs to be able to key up the repeater and use it. But some users it seems to confuse them. In my opinion it kinda of let's you know that you have somewhat atleast got into the repeater at some point in your transmission.
  5. RFI better know as Radio Frequency Interference can do weird and funny things to near by equipment. It overloads the equipment's frontend and electronics and causes all kinds of fun things.. Just like you experienced with the alarms that was on the tractor around the construction site. I bet if you move further away than 20 feet from it it might not have happened. I have been behind many of my buddies knowing they are speeding and have set off there radar detectors with my gmrs radio and other radios because i was close to them and overloaded the frontend of the radar detector. Funny as crap to watch them hit the brakes cause they thought a cop was around radaring.. RF can and will do very weird things.. That's why the FCC has RF Exposure limits on certain frequencies. https://www.fcc.gov/general/radio-frequency-safety-0#:~:text=The SAR is a value,(1.6 W%2Fkg).
  6. Can't run 141.3 tone would love too but might interfere with the 462.575 Cades Cove repeater with 141.3 hz travel tone. So i just did a multi tone repeater access tone today. Still got the split tone but added 203.5 hz on input tone and output tone for access for gmrs people that there equipment doesn't do split can have access . The only reason i did that so people that done had the repeater programmed wouldn't have to reprogram their radios and still have access and be able to talk to the other. Don't know if anybody has ever ran multi pl / dcs tones on a gmrs repeater before?
  7. I have heard some activity on simplex channels just not a lot. Mostly the Bubble Pack FRS junk. You figure it being close to tourist area of Pigeon Forge / Sevier you get some activity. And Covering a Couple of miles of interstate you would have some activity. I can see where the equipment they choose to use can be a barrier. With just the newer equipment doing split tones.
  8. How does one get gmrs users to use a gmrs repeater that you have setup for any licensed gmrs users to use? Note that i have it as a open repeater for all licensed GMRS people to use freely no need to ask for permission. Have had some ask for permission and i have granted it too them. Just not much activity. I have heard maybe one person using it one time and that's about it. I have talked to one other person on it that was trying to make sure he had his radio setup right. Other than that hardly any use. Do people just not use a GMRS Repeater much if it is a split tone repeater???
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