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Everything posted by dhardin53
About to finish my 9-element Yagi. Two things you might check, I had a similar issue. Your high movement for me anyway was when making the N connection to the Gamma feed line, I got the center pin connector too hot and the installation holding the pin became weak. This causes the N connector to not have a secure connection if I move the antenna. It is always something small. I hope you can check this out and solve your issues. It did for me.
Ok, "Packet Mode" and GMRS "Simplex repeaters" a two different animals. Your correct with the MURS channels and FRS are channels have many many limits within GMRS radios. So a simplex repeater operating on just GMRS channels only should be ok. GMRS rules state "Duplex repeater" have dedicated channels using to different frequencies. Simplex is technically a single channel being repeater But only using one channel. Current example; the new Btech pro is able to transmit Data (packet information). But NOT on GMRS dedicated repeater channels, as well and NOT on FMS dedicated channels.
I have a GMRS license, I intend to follow the FCC rules as written . The family or extended family only use sounds very cut and dried. In reality In my limited GMRS motoring in my small portion of central Illinois. Even now with a temporary roof mount increasing my monotiling foot print, and mobile monitoring the 50 miles around me. Not that much is going on. I have 2 repeaters within 40 line of sight form me. The activity is nearly none existent. I have never heard anyone using repeater channels in simplex on a repeater pair. I guess my point is extended family for this area has become you/your family and more often close people in your party are using the GMRS in a respectable manner. My location 90% of my monitoring are independent small business communicating with there co-works/closely-knit family. Myself I see noting wrong. Some will disagree, In short "When in Rome do as Romans"
Narrow it down some yesterday. Not a 100% but I will soon. It is a good possibility a "Lamb wave" or some type of ultrasonic testing. Go figure.
Interesting insight, thank you so much. Interesting maybe not related. Sunday night around midnight one leg of the 200 amp breaker failed. After 20 minutes of investigating found one leg at the meter/main breaker and found it. I'm sure it is just a weak breaker and will be replaced today, this happened last year. Just wiggling the old breaker I head something inside the breaker ping sound the then returned the load to normal. Still working today but this breaker is 40 years old and if this is a utility componiee problem that may have effaced the leg going to my house it is a good time to replace it. But them anagen i don't feel my weak old breaker is it issues. but on never knows. Great weather today to get out and program this exact frequency in the hand-held and do just as you said. Would be a nice time to have a small foxhunt mini beam. http://www.arrl.org/direction-finding Thaks again, a little guidance means a lot. WROQ912
Been doing some investigation work. found the reason why my KG935G when in scan mode keeps geting a spick and stops scanning. My personal wirless weather station works on 915mHz, killing all Wi-Fi and LED lights, and still pulsing. The neighbor next door has a security gate topically use 316 and 415 MHz, Plane a wlaking over there tomarrow and see if signal increases. Sound a lot like a beacon posable from the local county airport one mile away. will take a drive over there as well. Wireless gas meter and electric meter I believe is in the 800 rang? the water meter has some type of Automated Meter Reading (AMR) of sending device as well. Not sure of its frequency. I think it is a drive my system or meatier readings. Fire up my HDSDR dongle and found this. Sound is not great but there is a click at the end of each burst. Any suggestions. 20220313_235437.mp4
Midland 3db Ghost vs 6db SWR tests
dhardin53 replied to Hunter399's question in Technical Discussion
I have read that Midlands "ghost" will have a better SWR if one mounts it closet to the corner of the roof or trunk. Try moving it around and see if there is a difference. -
Two months of GMRS scanning channels as I drive. 2 framers applying anhydrous in a field, Ameren service men using a bucket-lift truck and a guy on the ground as a spotter. A large solar farm being built in our area heavy equipment operator getting guidance from ground crew. Local auto wrecker auction house that sells your insurance totaled automobiles, once a week the get busy before the Thursday morning auction coronating income and outgoing wreckers of where to go on the lot. Old Franklin Life building and a Crain operator on the ground, 15 stories up a guy rigging for removing cap stones, they removed 36.000 lb. before noon. Here in central IL it is rather flat land, there are 3 repeaters close. The closes is 35 miles as the crow flies. My HT and micro mobile I have not a peep from them. I did not get into GMRS to talk to only but the familty business I am working with. Yes the wife for the fist time was HT to me mobile. Our camping/winter snow-bird was abruptly postponed when the wife had emergency surgery. I still plane on more an better communication equipment in the future.
30 day ago I started this post. It saddens me to see the amount of discourse it has provoked. I don't mind a spirited discussion, I don't have a strong opinion with this topic as some have expressed. A simple goal for licensed GMRS to be able to connect with others GMRS travelers should NOT be such a imposable hurtle. But it appear to be the case. FCC rule is that GNRS is intended for general mobile radio using one license call sign for family and extended family. I see no rule stopping two Licensed GMRS operators making casual contact. So why are we so divided? If you don't wish to participate in a general Consensus then don't. Just don't. Stop trying impede others from ones freedom to associate. This topic has got off in the weeds many times I guess that go with the "world of Forums" I most of all would be considered weak in the written word/text and being miss understood. I get that, I have seen many well expressed points of view. Many good people looking for a command good as well. I have read every post and come to a conclusion. Some just don't want to play well with others. I am sorry to say I will never make this mistake again.
I have plenty of PL259 connectors around, the coax is good the rubber on the bottom of the mag mount is a bit crack and ages. Liquid rubber sealant might fix that. Then cut me up some old stainless antenna for a whip and tuned. Then fabricate some brass 1/4 20 bolt and drill a hole for the steel and braze them together. I have a better than 80% change of repurpose this. I just got a Browning 3db mag mount for the wife's car. (Not real happy with the first test run with it), hoping to get the KG935G with a roof top. This little Cell-booster might work for other road trips use. I need some winter project's to keep busy, The wife just got out of hospital so I need to be close to home for a good while.
I agree kb2ztx, just going through 30 years of stored radio history. out with the old in with the new.
Thank you, yes my web search looked a lot like the Wilson cell boosters. What little I know the communication componiee that he was working with had several issues and guess this antenna was something close but in all his service and radio work performance was poor. I think the guy used what ever he had to keep the acount. This is at least 10 to 12 years old. I can't see the guy i got i from was using Wilson cell boosters at the time. The TNC connector leads me think Cell booster.
12 inch tall, top of the mag mount to top of antenna, RG59 to a TNC connector. The logo at the base looks like a whale. I'm guessing I got this when I did some work for the guy that gave it to me. I help changed out his business band system? Just not sure, like to know what frequency it is designed for. Thanks in advances.
While at the loacl hospital sitting in parking lot wating to go in I noted i believe on channel 17. A constant high gain RF disturbance. When i drove away it lasted 8 to 10 blocks. That channel was completely unusable within that range.
Try pulling out the lighting arrester and see what you get .
Some how we always get lost in the weeds. Every operator is always in a difference saturation. Some are alwyas looking for the absolute perfect correct answer to every question. The short answer so much of these simple questions are "It all depends". Say wife and I are boondock camping the the Arizona desert, I go waking the dog and I can not use 462 simplex high power? There is not a repeater within 100 miles. I'm not standing on a mountain top and radio back to my wife the dog has pooped I'm coming back now. I don't feel i am disturbing anyone repeater. Personally in my location there are two repeaters about 50 miles for my house. There are on two differnt frequencies. A small HT and most mobile's will not reach these repeaters. But knowing there are repeaters on said channels is a objective decision one personally has to make. The rules are not alwys so clear, but the exception to the rule is just a valid. Be a inform GMRS operator and one should not have issues. Say your new to the area, and you don't know of reapers in the location, then don't us 462 Simplex. With cell phones and groups like MyGMRS.com it don't take long to get the answers you need to not disturb others with you communications. Worst case scenario, if you are disturbing someone MOVE to another channel. I feel common sense should be a required for obtain any license.
Kenwood TK 840 Producing Low Audio
dhardin53 replied to donniefitz2's question in Technical Discussion
wild shot here; Is the repeater in or output narrow bad? Just a guess. -
DanW; I know like the line is but a small portion of the US. but one should not discriminant any Citizen. The number of people greatest effect with this Line A is upper part of MI and the line across the north east is a bit more populated. All in all lets not make this that confusing. Channel 19 is not a great option, but the FCC rules would suppressed anything a small group might do. I'm sure anyone living in or around line Already knows this, or they should. More likly the channels 1-7 low power might work over all. Example; Say I'm on the Dan Ryan express way 5 or 6 lanes going both way and at a complete halt (been there done that) More power is great but not needed in a this saturation. If someone sees my singe/decal and thinks 30-40 minuets later is going to receive/transmit there call later operating on 5 watts is unlikely. Where only talking about local direct and a smaller radio radiation communication. Just one step above FRS, with preferable Licensed operators. Not all GMRS transmission needs to be extended long range transmission. This is only GRMS communications. Not WLS. (oops told my age) I don't know exactly what a good 10 to 20 watt mobile with a nice exterior antenna setup will do as miles transited and receive but the point is a travle channel is NOT your palce to chit chat into the next 2 or 3 counties. The scope of this concept needs to fit FCC rules, promote informed Licensed operators, and keep us safe and informed. With a side befit of advance the GNRS form and function. NO more not less. We are not re-inventing the wheel here. Look back to my ordinal post of 3 goals.
My mistake. no repeater channel, should have left out the term simplex. Yes kd2xtx it kind of narrows it down to 1-7 with lower power, this would disturb less by some limited coverage. I don't feel road channels need to span larger coverage. If you see a decal on a passing vehicle and have desire to correspond with it low power is much preferred. Travle channel has no need to disrupt any more communication than needed. Lets say this takes off. diving cross county how many repeaters will you cross path with is hard to tell. but would be foolish disturbing any repeated for a travelers passing this type of short communication. If one connect on a travle channel and wishes to tell someone there experence of someone great times at who knows what, go to another channel.
Back in my CB days whether degraded the less expensive coax and poorly weather protectors connection within few years. Never new it till you find you reception and transmission begins to decrease. Midwest weather are brutal on antenna systems.
Not a expert here. I would say general speaking Yes it could work. But i see some down sides. The lower 15 to 24 inches of a CB antenna is very stiff wire on a mag mount would not work without a spring at the base. You would hit anything and knock it off rather easly. Setting a SWR would be difficult (not imposable). Buy the time you buy a UHF 460Mhz swr meter you just as well get a GMRS pre-tuned antenna. I looked at what came with my MXT 275 and said this won't work. I bit the bullet and got the Midland 6db gain with a mag mount. Kind of pricey but why spend the money on a good radio and throttle it back with a negative db output antenna and cable. Or in your case end up with a less than desirable SWR. The Midland 6 db gain on the mag mount has a 1.1-1 swr.
This means channel 19 and 20 are not to be used within closes proximity of Canada boarder. for the most part upper parts of MI and the north east states that are rather populated would be effected. west of MI the line is straight and not as populated. Best see attachment file. Comparing CB past problem's are some what germane, I hope Legal licensed GMRS usurers would not use a busy travel channel and monitor if the activity that is germane to your geographic location and find info usable. To "chew the rag" keep it short or move to another channel. Licensed GMRs for common curtsy would announce there call sign a help keep the non Licensed users a bay some. Non-Licensed are free to lessen, to those not giving a call sign one does not have to respond. I know there will alwyas be the "cowboy illegals" upset the apple cart. If you want to worry about the few that don't play by any rules we will go on and on and NRVER advance the GMRS concept. Remember the G in GMRS is general, Not just my close frinds or people that think like me. General invites ALL. A travle channel must first consider ALL in the picture. The majority of FCC rules are intended so ALL use the air-waves and get along. In time I see more GMRS getting licensed and seeing the benefits of working togeter not dividing us. A GMRS travle channel should not be a repeater channel simplex only, no tones. as well as limited to a lower power in congested population high traffic locations. https://www.fcc.gov/reports-research/maps/frequency-coordination-canada/
DownEastNC, my thought exactly. A GMRS travle channel what ever it is and how it is set should not be a problem. we just need to make it a service know to others is all I am saying. A travle channel will not be for everyone i know that. some places i have traveled i could be a detrimental to display anything other than my License plate. Im sure Forum rule would prohibit anyone from advertising and making money from this site. I'm not talkng about that. The greater My GMRS.com community if organized could step up the game over a hand full of GMRS doing it themselves. Here in Illinois we have two seasons, road construction months and to cold for road construction. Sitting in 4 or 6 lanes back up it would be nice to get the feel of what and how long this it is going to be. Cell phones or not, Now google maps have aided in this a lot, sometimes you can get a re-rout arond road closures. There is still time I wish I had my old CB to just lessen to truckers do just what i am saying. We all need to look-out for each other in this fast pace world.
Thaks Axorloc, very informative.