A friend of mine did some testing, including using an external microphone so he could measure the effect of the tiger tail unaffected by coupling with his body. He actually felt that his radio worked better without the wire.
I have never tried it.
No need to feel sorry. The guy that jumped you about it is a grade A dick. Fortunately the forum software gives us the ability to filter out his posts.
Ask the owner, look in the database or on the map here, scan the tone of someone’s input transmission, or assume it’s the same as the output tone and scan that.
Probably you have the wrong tone or frequency.
1. Are you listening to a repeater? Then you need to transmit on a repeater input frequency which is 5 MHz higher than the output frequency.
2. If you have the frequency correct and they still don’t hear you then you probably have the input tone incorrect.
So, are you experiencing this issue with zero output when you’re trying to transmit on 325 MHz? What about when you try to transmit on other frequencies: 2 meter, 70 cm, or GMRS frequencies?
SWR in a handheld antenna is nearly meaningless because there’s no transmission line. All the power still exits the antenna. In an antenna system, a portion of power is converted to heat within the transmission line between the transmitter and the antenna. High SWR results in power reflecting and traveling back through the transmission line to the radio where it reflects again and incurs more losses before it gets back to the antenna. Each time more power goes out the antenna until all of the power has either been converted to heat in the transmission line or RF radiation in the antenna. In a system with virtually no transmission line virtually none of the power becomes heat. For that reason handheld radios (including cell phones) have virtually no transmission lines and so SWR has very little importance.
I suggest spending some time reading posts here. The 905g has a very good reputation, but it’s also more expensive than many others. As far as Wouxun being the best brand I think that’s fairly subjective.
I am not sure how it works but postings in some, but not all of the clubs show up in my Unread queries, but because I don’t belong to the clubs I can’t “read” the posts and they remain in my unread results unless I click on mark all as read.
Even if it had tones the risk of interference doesn’t decrease. It should be on a different frequency. Are there any open frequencies of the eight used for repeaters?