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Everything posted by PartsMan

  1. I was offered a Uv-5r to use as a volunteer during an event. I had casually mentioned that I was not licensed to use it. Still sounds a little fishy to me.
  2. I was told recently that an entire BSA (formerly Boy Scouts) council had a Ham license. Could that be?
  3. A big thank you to all of you.
  4. No transmitting. I am not Ham. I just want to receive with this radio. The + and - are a clear as mud to me.
  5. I am wanting to program the local Ham repeater frequencies into my GMRS HT just to see how much traffic there is. The local Ham club web site lists there repeaters this way. CLUB VHF REPEATERS: 145.290 (-), 147.150 (+), 147.375 (+) UHF REPEATERS 444.400 (+), 444.825 (+) What frequencies should I be scanning?
  6. Would the power loss be horrible on this setup?
  7. I really doubt you will get any body's attention as long as you are putting out 50w or less at the antenna.
  8. Does anybody know how tall a Midland MXTA13 is?
  9. My free UHF antenna from work works great but it hits the carport hard enough that it falls down when I back out sometimes. Any recommendations for shorter GMRS antennas? 16" would just barely hit. Or is a tall antenna with a fender mount better. FYI It is fairly flat country here so some gain would help my range.
  10. I posted a similar complaint recently and was told that the Wouxen radios allow more custom transmit channels. More money but could be worth it.
  11. We used to have alternator noise in our car stereos back in high school. I bet that's it. I agree that some kind of noise filter on the power should help.
  12. Does the interference go away if you pull over and turn off your engine?
  13. Does anybody make one with a battery backup built in?
  14. I tried it for the last two days. Receiving is much better than the rubber duck in the truck. I transmitted and nothing exploded or caught fire. I look forward to doing a range comparison.
  15. I looked at the old Motorola SM50 radios that they were used with. There model numbers indicate 450-470. I don't have a SWR meter to check with.
  16. I have some old Larsen UHF antennas at work. Any chance they would work for GMRS. Maybe need tuned? One of the old Motorola radios said 470mgz. I am wanting to use one for an external on my GM-30 handy talk.
  17. Are there some better GMRS radios that will do what I am wanting? I am still wanting a couple more.
  18. I was going to set up a channel for the "travel tone". I was also thinking about programing the "privacy channels" that my Midlands have for convenience.
  19. The DIY channels have the TX frequency locked. I can change the RX (not sure why anyone would) and the tones.
  20. I have been playing with the programing on my Radioddity GM-30. I understand that they have to lock it so that I can only transmit on GMRS frequencies and I appreciate the one extra set of "custom repeater channels". My gripe is that I can't set up the other 200+ channels to transmit as custom simplex or repeater channels with different tones. I should be able to set up 200 different tone versions of the same GMRS frequency if I want. It seems like a simple software change.
  21. I plan on buying an extra gm-30 battery to leave plugged into a usb c car charger. For $15 I can stand to abuse one. It's the whole reason I bought the gm-30 I can plug it into the truck and leave it on.
  22. GOT IT volume to low.
  23. The UPS guy brought my new GM-30 today. I am home sick with nothing better to do than play with it. I was able to download the Radioddity software and successfully update the firmware. When I try to retrieve data from the radio the progress bar comes up but never moves.
  24. Sounds like a no go. The whole reason I asked was because I had a feeling the FCC would frown on it. I guess the hardware would do it in an emergency.
  25. So we are talking a serious gray area. Possibly not quite legal.
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