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Everything posted by rivrrat

  1. Thanks for posting!
  2. I think incorporating the trail rides is a great activity! Inclusive with a variety of ride difficulties and an excellent get out their and explore kind of activity. Good cross over of interesting and club populations.
  3. BLUF: Explore purposeful uses of the local repeaters. - real world field exercise simulating limited operating conditions. For example, and this is just an example, we could simulate the most convenient repeater is down and on the fly programming of an ht is required to make contact with a more limited reach repeater to get directions to the dinner spot for the evening. Another example, follow the poker run concept and have checkins on a designated route - get yourself from DC to Winchester maintaining comms along the various repeaters. The reddish knob trip - making distant contacts and seeing what these things can do. Perfect! - standard periodic monitored check-in time slots so that you can try out the antenna, new radio, etc. I understand there is adversity to mimicking ham stuff like nets but this would help and lot of newbie and tinkerers play with they toys without having to endlessly keechunk or randomly call for a radio check and rolling the dice with what you get back. _Just some thoughts - RIVRRAT
  4. I'll bring something to the meet and greet - gotta keep these running!
  5. For reference of proximate repeaters. Red dot is general location of Reddish Knob. Reddish Knob of Shenandoah Mountain is one of the highest points in Virginia, rising 4,397 feet (1,340 m).
  6. Very cool. Tentative with possibly one other vehicle.
  7. You know - for once - I'm actually going to be in TOWN! See you all there. What time are you looking at? Best, Eric
  8. Looks great on both platforms.
  9. Welcome aboard! Nice making contact with you.
  10. Wishing you a quick recovery. If you anything, please ask. Eric
  11. Stock gladiator okay for this trail?
  12. Just heard on the Warrenton, Virginia repeater someone making contact from Claymont Delaware. Perfect 5/5 contact at roughly 150 miles.
  13. Reminder - happening tonight! - Check FB page for more info.
  14. Looks awesome - very nice setup!
  15. Same experience for me. Heard nothing - from Ocean City (MD) all the way down to KDH . I see on repeater book there is a repeater down by Emerald Isle.
  16. Yup - my guess is it's something with the phone itself. I'm kinda knee-deep in the same exercise. I did notice with mine a few days ago that 'notifications' would throw the zello connection off. Shut down what I could in the old phone's setting's and limited to running zello - we shall see. When it works, it works great lol
  17. Morning! I added a 'repeaters' section to the DELMARVA GMRS club page. Feel free to post away and promote your repeater and any other activity in the area. 

  18. I've got the RT97 too and have used it on an ~800 acre fairly hilly area in western Virginia with great results. Try to find the highest and clearest line of sight spot for the repeater - get above the terrain - the repeater can help get up/over/around but you still have to keep in mind the physical limitations you see with any GMRS radio.
  19. New event posted! Visit NOVA GMRS FB page for more info.
  20. On May 27 at 8 am, Ole Virginia Hams Amateur Radio (OVH) will host a VE session at Lord of Life Lutheran Church CLIFTON CAMPUS 13421 Twin Lakes Dr. Clifton, VA 20124 Bring $15, photo ID and you must have A FRN.
  21. Glad you can hit the Winchester repeater. It’s a great unit and in a great spot! Try Cumberland 600 when you get a chance - it’s my challenge to try and reach it from the Winchester area. I can hear them but can’t open the repeater.
  22. Yup - 19 is the obvious choice - keep it simple. It's what I went to when I first started bc of my old cb days.
  23. HI all, Just a quick note that a group of us recently started an informal FB group of users in the NOVA and upper Shenandoah Valley area. If you are interested, we are on FB at NOVA GMRS. Eric - WQZV248
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