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Everything posted by WRPL668

  1. I live in a large people area. In New Jersey an in checking here in the repeater section, I found only three I think can reach. I’ve a Ocean 905G an I’m now approved with two of them. It’s extremely quiet here. Almost nothing local an the repeaters I’m approved is also very quiet. With only 5 watts I can only do so much. But I keep trying. In your area there maybe not so many repeaters. Remember you must be able to reach them to connect. I do however wish you much luck. Keep us in the loop. bob
  2. Hmmm it’s a thought. However I’m the only one in my family with a radio so it’s a crapshoot. If I can talk my grandson into getting a less expensive this ole vet will do your suggestion. It’s a great idea. Of the three repeaters in my area I’ve been approved with two of them. But it’s been very quiet in my area. I can only do so much with a handheld 5 watter. thanks - bob
  3. Mike they say on one it’s ok. But I’ve not heard anything on that channel yet. So I don’t know if I’m on or not. The other one says permission required. One person asked for the tones almost 20/days ago still nothing. Where I live in New Jersey there are not so many repeaters I can log onto. Three actually an I am on one but even with that one I’m on its very quiet. I only have the handhold so my output is just the 5 watts. I’m still new to this. Appreciate your ongoing help. bob
  4. You nailed it. Thanks I knew it had to be some where’s. Interesting learning curve. Still waiting for permission on two repeaters since there in short supply here where I live. Monmouth county be the shore is quiet. once again thanks for the direction. bob
  5. Thanks. Ive been waiting for steady use on one local repeater of witch I’ve two or three in my local. Hopefully he will eventually get back to me. One has DCS tones an the other has ctcss tones. Learning has been difficult but steady. thanks for nice answer sir. bob
  6. TOM47 are you the owner of the River Plaza repeater? I’ve requested permission to use that repeater but haven’t received permission yet. I’ve not many options of repeaters so your/there’s repeater is important. If not please disregard this note sir. thanks - bob
  7. Hello, as a new owner of a Ocean 905G I’ve a problem. I’ve permission to use a repeater but I can’t find where the DCS tones are. Yes I’m a dummy but as a three day owner I just can’t find where there hidden. I’ve requested to use another repeater but haven’t received permission yet. Here in New Jersey where I live repeaters are in short supply. I can find that CTCSS tones but not the DCS tones. Please help this 80 year old newbie. I know so little. Thanks bob
  8. Am slowly figuring this out. Thanks for your help sir. bob
  9. Correct. You got the problem that I have. I have no idea on how to retrieve the code. The local repeater say I’ve to sign on. Don’t know what that means as I’m signed on here when doing that. All I have is the 905G an not that much knowledge. so you see I need direction only for the first try to log on to a repeater. thanks - bob
  10. That’s me. I am having trouble putting in a repeater. Looking for some help. bob
  11. Your very welcome. Many years ago. 1960 to 1966. To many candles on my cake?.
  12. Hello from New Jersey. I’m a newbie who got his handheld 905G today. I know na da. Nothing is what I know. Can anyone send a in order list on how to put on a repeater please? I found one here in nj but don’t know how to put it in the radio. I know it’s a lot but I’ll save it an move on. Please help an 80 year old veteran. bob
  13. Thanks for getting back to me. I now per your nice answer, I ask permission to use your repeater at 462.575. Then I’ve to figure out how to put that in my 905G. Always the first time it’s a pain in the butt. bob do I need a code etc.?
  14. Love to do that. Remember I know nothing. Can you give me a start on doing that please? Ive been scanning but no one is on now with the easy 22 channels. My current goal is doing what you have suggested. But I don’t know how. thanks - bob i did find a local repeater in Middletown called River Plaza with WQLA648 owner but don’t know how on request permission to log on.
  15. Well the 905 came today. First thoughts are this is no toy. The manual is pretty decent an I have to start reading its charging as I type this. Any first suggestions? thanks, bob
  16. Just wanted to say hi to all you professionals in GMRS land. I’m waiting for my Ocean 905G so I can start doing what you all do so well. Let me say I know nothing. Yup nothing. Viewed a few you tube videos an thought I’d try this hobby. I have had a license way back when with the CB craze years ago but moved on. After I get my radio I will probably be asking a lot of dum questions but will read the manual front to back. Will appreciate any suggestions as I’m so lacking any knowledge. Enough ranting as I just wanted to say hi. HI. bob from N.J. - WRPL668
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